
The Second To Last (Round Two)

Hi everyone! I hope you had a good weekend! I feel like I’m a hundred posts behind in sharing, which is always good because it means I won’t be running out of material any time soon. I can’t wait to share photos from World Steam, but I also had a small Toronto Flickr meet up a few weeks ago that I’d like to share some photos from, and I want to talk about the Titanic exhibit I went to! But first- it’s the second to last post of Spurred! FINALLY. It’s halfway through the year and I’m just now sharing the end of my second 365 project!

Favorite I liked a lot of these photos, but my favorite I think is “Bells”. I love photos of hands. And hands holding little treasures.

Not So Much “Spice” is by far my least favorite. Tones, blow outs, blech. But it was a yummy cup of cider!

Behind The Scenes “Whisper” was taken inside a car wash.

“Stack” Dec 14th (Day 349)

Our holiday cards!

“Accessory” Dec 15th (Day 350)

Scarves are my favorite accessory.

“Whisper” Dec 16th (Day 351)

“Squish” Dec 17th (Day 352)

Nature squished in a jar and a vintage Algo Ettes.

“Sealed” Dec 18th (Day 353)

“Knot” Dec 19th (Day 354)

“Bells” Dec 20th (Day 355)

These are the bells I typically wear in my hair on Christmas, but this year I wore a Santa Hat.

“Wreath” Dec 21st (Day 356)

He sees everything…

“Spice” Dec 22nd (Day 357)

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  • Reply
    Liang Ge
    8 Jun 2012 at 1:39 am

    sara! gotta say I love your creativity on all your shots. I like “bells” the best because of the composition with the hand. “Sealed” is also great because it captures a special moment that depicts something about to be sent to special people in your life. great job as always!

  • Reply
    7 Jun 2012 at 1:16 am

    that “spice” drink — uh-mazing.

    and the “sealed” snowman is super cute.

    i am so digging seeing christmas stuff right now. 🙂

  • Reply
    5 Jun 2012 at 4:37 am

    i remember when i first started following you on livejournal. your photos were always gorgeous, but you’ve really honed your skill in such a way that you’ve made it a completely unique and personal artform. your work is beyond lovely 🙂 x

  • Reply
    4 Jun 2012 at 12:59 pm

    I really like Whisper and I love Sealed just because I love letters and think they don’t get written enough. I also like photos of hands – I’ve started sketching hands just for myself, what is it about them? Even my manly hands are kind of fascinating to me. Hm…that sounds really weird.

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