Words & Photos With Tom

An Eclectic Selection

Usually during the week I go out and take some fancy photos for you guys so that you have something nice to look at during your Friday; (Or whenever you end up reading this post.) but I’ve been super busy this week and didn’t really get a chance. So instead, I made these lovely ASCII pictures for you instead.

<(^_^<)  <(^_^)>  (>^_^)>


Just kidding. Here are some photos I took a while back and never shared. I will include this disclaimer that you may have seen some of these before as I know sometimes Sara posts pictures I’ve taken. There are two butterfly pictures because butterflies are, well you know, cool.

(Yes, that last one is real. We couldn’t believe our luck!)

Also, I just wanted to throw out there that if you guys would like to give me a prompt word or want to see a picture of something in particular, let me know. Sometimes it’s difficult to find something fresh to take pictures of, but when you get a prompt that creative side of your brain tends to kick in and finds something exciting to take pictures of.

See you next week!

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  • Reply
    19 Aug 2012 at 11:12 pm

    Pretty photos! 🙂 I also second photos of your surroundings. I’m in Australia and it’s always so interesting to see peoples different environments. I especially love your nature/cloud shots that you’ve done 🙂

  • Reply
    19 Aug 2012 at 9:34 am

    beautiful photos, love the first butterfly & the Thomas & Sara intersection 🙂

  • Reply
    hui shan
    18 Aug 2012 at 3:05 am

    Hi =) Beautiful photos, as always. Perhaps more photos of your lovely cats and your surroundings. I am from Malaysia, so it’s nice to see the different seasons in your country. It’s tropical weather here, rain and shine all year through. Thanks!

  • Reply
    17 Aug 2012 at 6:21 pm

    Just started reading your blog, and I love it! I also love the color of Sara’s hair! Maybe you could go color catching with that color in mind? Just an idea.

    • Reply
      24 Aug 2012 at 2:51 pm

      That sounds like a good idea. My next post is going to be a little more about our surroundings, but I will definitely keep this in mind!

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