Words & Photos With Tom

Urban Playground

This area that I photographed to get the more urban side of our area is a little strange because it’s clearly trying to imitate the depths of downtown Toronto but there are not nearly enough people, businesses or unique attractions to make that downtown kind of city plan work right now. Eventually I’m sure it will be busy enough that it will be more like Toronto, but for now it’s really strange walking around. When I was taking these photos there was almost nobody around, even though it looks like there should be crowded streets and bustling shops.

Still, I did find a really cool fountain that seems to have no purpose other than to look awesome, and I still think the area is beautiful in its own way. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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  • Reply
    2 Oct 2012 at 8:02 pm

    Hi, I was searching for Terry from the Meadowvale Miniature Village and found this blog with your wonderful photography. Seems you guys live around the corner. If you ever want to get together for a coffee and talk about photography…

    I have just started a project of taking photos of 100 Mississaugans. You want to take part in it?

    • Reply
      3 Oct 2012 at 9:23 pm

      Hi Bastian! We’d love to meet up for coffee sometime! I love your black and white portraits and can’t wait to see your project unfold. Let’s meet up for sure. =)

  • Reply
    29 Sep 2012 at 1:16 pm

    I’m dying over the fountain photos!

  • Reply
    28 Sep 2012 at 10:45 pm

    the fountain is awesome & I love the second photo

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