
Stonecutter’s Kitchen

I know I’ve said this before but it stands to be said again. Food in Ireland is so good. At first you might not notice. You’ll look at your plate and say, “Wow, this is the best salad I’ve ever had!” But after a while you’ll realize all food tastes like the food back home but slightly better. (Or ridiculously better, if you live in the US.) All the food in Ireland is local, fresh, and even though it tends to take a heck of a lot longer to get your food (because, you know, they’re cooking it instead of pulling it out of a bag from the freezer and throwing it on the stove), it’s worth every second. This is a restaurant in Doolin called, “Stonecutter’s Kitchen”. It had a really cute and cozy atmosphere and neighborly vibe.




I am not much of a wine drinker (heck, I’m not much of a drinker of anything but water or tea) but I did try both the Guinness (didn’t like it at all) and this local strawberry wine. I thought, oh, I’ll just take a peek and see if they have- STRAWBERRY BLUSH? I’ll have a GLASS. It was so delicious, I wish I’d been brave enough to buy a few bottles to take home.

"Made from fresh Irish strawberries grown for us in the fertile valley of the Blackwater River in Co.Cork. These produce a light pink, delicate wine with a summery bouquet and a luscius flavour."

Wine of the Glen. Strawberry blush. DELICIOUS.

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  • Reply
    23 May 2012 at 7:40 pm

    I LOVE your photos, and I have always wanted to visit my family’s home county in Ireland. And I agree with the comment from Kim: we in the Pacific NW love our farmer’s markets and tea shops. You should visit Portland some time and try out a few places 🙂

  • Reply
    8 Feb 2011 at 5:43 pm

    Ireland is my dream destination. You have photographed it beautifully, I’m so glad to see it through your lens. What a wonderful blog. I will definitely be coming back.

  • Reply
    2 Feb 2011 at 1:55 am

    Girl, you and Tom need to come to Portland for a visit – our restaurants have all the farm-to-table food you could ask for! 🙂

    And you beat me with the Guinness challenge, I’ve only ever managed a sip followed by a very sour face. It’s one of my best friend’s favorite drinks, though, he guzzles them down. God, can you even imagine?!

  • Reply
    1 Feb 2011 at 11:23 pm

    Great food pictures. I found that on the whole the food in America is much more processed than in Europe. I think it must be down to the preservatives that go into the food. When I bought milk or bread it NEVER went off. That is just wrong lol.

  • Reply
    Sarah Nice
    1 Feb 2011 at 3:17 pm

    I’m drooling. What kinds of white wines does Ireland have?

  • Reply
    1 Feb 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Hey now, just what the heck are you insinuating about US food? 😉

    I’m impressed you tried some Guinness, that stuff makes me gag just looking at it!

    • Reply
      1 Feb 2011 at 5:13 pm

      Haha, just that a lot of the times even in restaurants the food you are served is pre-frozen in packages and recooked. Not that it makes it bad or anything, goodness knows I love my US food- it’s just I really noticed a difference in Canada, and then an even bigger difference once we hit Europe.

      And yeah, I didn’t like the Guinness AT ALL. I could only have a sip or two and then I was done.

  • Reply
    1 Feb 2011 at 1:18 pm

    These series of photographs are all kinds of excellent!

  • Reply
    1 Feb 2011 at 10:05 am

    Gosh, your photos are beautiful and so are you!

  • Reply
    1 Feb 2011 at 9:06 am

    I’m not a wine fan, but strawberry wine sounds really good. According to their site they stock it in a local shop. I’m heading to the States in late March to visit fam, do you want me to see if I can pick some up and like mail it to your family or something?

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