

The biggest earthquake to ever hit Japan struck the northeast on March 11th, which was followed by a tsunami, nuclear power plant explosions, and as of yesterday, the most violent volcano eruption in 52 years hit the south. For those of you that didn’t know, I grew up in Japan. This is my home, my heart, that is in peril and it destroys me to see or think about the destruction and loss linked to this terrible tragedy.

Unaware of the situation yet, I posted the news about my first Photoshop action collection for sale around midnight on March 11th. And now I want everyone to know that every purchase made since my announcement, and for the next week, 100% of the proceeds in my shop will go straight to disaster relief to aid Japan. This includes everything: actions, camera charms, postcards, etc. Please consider shopping for a cause.

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If you’d rather donate straight to the disaster relief funds, please consider the following options. Let’s help Japan.

【】 (Click the ad on the top right.)
【Google Checkout】
【Donation For Japan Earthquake 11th March2011】
【American Red Cross】
【International Medical Corps】
【Donate with Paypal】

Japan Earthquake & Tsunami: 7 Simple Ways to Help

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  • Reply
    Prompted 365: March 1/2 (And Help 日本) « In the Wabe
    17 Mar 2011 at 7:17 pm

    […] I blogged about my wonderful visit to Japan once before and feel it’s time to plea for a country I love. A lot of help is needed after this continuing disaster.  Here are some wonderful and easy ways to help the disaster relief fund (list stolen from Sara, who made a wonderful blog post about the country she grew up in): […]

  • Reply
    16 Mar 2011 at 1:27 pm

    My heart is just breaking for everyone that has been affected by this tragic series of events. What your doing is so fantastic: You are lovely!

  • Reply
    15 Mar 2011 at 3:22 pm

    great effort here. and these are lovely memories. i especially love that second shot.

  • Reply
    15 Mar 2011 at 2:50 pm

    It is so tragic. Im glued to the news but Im still in shock. I lived in Japan last year, six months of which were in Fukushima. Places I visited aren’t there anymore. My old workplace has been evacuated because of the radiation.
    That is really great of you doing your bit to help,

  • Reply
    Sarah Nice
    15 Mar 2011 at 2:02 pm

    I will hopefully be shopping very soon. I loved the Photoshop actions you posted on the 11th. (Will they work in Photoshop Elements 7?) I love these photos from your childhood. They’re adorable. What happened in Japan has gotten me thinking nonstop about everyone there. It’s such a terrible disaster. And the aftershock they just had isn’t helping.

    And I know this has nothing to do with anything, but did you make your header for the blog in Photoshop? I can’t figure out how to get the area large enough to hold a decent sized header with the name of my blog on it.

  • Reply
    Anna Emilia
    15 Mar 2011 at 3:48 am

    Beautiful is this site of yours, I send all my thoughts to the other side of the world from here, Finland.

  • Reply
    14 Mar 2011 at 11:10 am

    Retweeted! I hope you get a lot of people participating with this, my thoughts have been with Japan since I heard the news as well.

    I’d like to buy your actions set to help, but since I’m leaving on Thursday (and just bought a T2i for the occasion!) my funds are all tied up in my trip to England until I get paid again on the 25th. I get back on the 28th–any chance I could participate in this after then?

    • Reply
      14 Mar 2011 at 11:17 am

      Deal. =)

      (Congratulations on your trip to England/T2i!)

  • Reply
    14 Mar 2011 at 11:02 am

    An excellent and noble effort, Sara! Consider me in.

    • Reply
      14 Mar 2011 at 11:18 am

      Thank you, B!

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