I wish you could see these photos in person, because the low quality scanner I had at the time really doesn’t capture these at their best. In case you couldn’t guess where this was going, my mom took these photographs. I am very much like her, I like to think. She’s my mad scientist; her university studies were for the sciences but she always had (and still does hold) an undying passion for theatre and the creative arts. (Now she makes movies and stage productions! She’s also written a novel.) She took a lot of time photographing daily life no matter where she was (Michigan, North Carolina, Japan) and especially of her children growing up. She has rolls and rolls of undeveloped film from who knows when! Next time I am in Michigan I hope to snag a few rolls (negative scanner to the rescue!) or have the chance to scan more of her already developed rolls. As you can imagine, they mean so much to me. I doubt she ever realized that with each click she was capturing a moment that I would love and cherish as dearly as if I had taken it or lived it. But I do.
Happy Mother’s day, Mom, to all the Mom photographers and bloggers I read and love, and to all my mom readers. May your day be filled with light and love.
13 May 2011 at 7:40 pmso beautiful! My mother was into photography all my life it had definitely rubbed off on me
10 May 2011 at 11:00 amBeautiful post.
My dad had an interest in photography when I was a kid and had a darkroom in our house. I would love to get my hands on those photos again. They had such a sweetness about them, like your mom’s photos.
10 May 2011 at 7:47 amThese photos are lovely. I especially like the gull. I’m sure you remember why ^_^;
P.S. I can see where you get your gracious humility!
8 May 2011 at 12:16 pmWowee! Your mom’s photos are beautiful.
8 May 2011 at 10:48 amI love you so much sissy! You’re a better photographer than I ever was! I’m so proud.