
Tom, The Cats & National Sweater Day

Happy Monday, everyone! It seems like I’ve designated Mondays as my Spurred project days, I hope you don’t mind. I just finished Pumpkin’s latest Purr Yoga workout and I’m completely tuckered out. (In truth I went for a run, but don’t tell Pumpkin, he’s sensitive.) I hope everyone had a great weekend. =)

Okay, here we go- February 12-17!



Tom, his presence in my daily life, his heart, is without a doubt the greatest gift I’ve ever received.


It’s actually just muffin batter in a cake pan, because I had too much batter leftover after making twelve valentine muffins. (Soo delicious, they are already gone!) Tom and I don’t like pie over cake and muffins over cupcakes, so we did a mix of both. With hearts!


One of Pumpkin’s favorite things.


Morn’s listening face.


February 17th is National Sweater Day here in Canada. We turn down our thermostats and don sweaters to help with global warming. Our building is holding a contest: those tenants that turn the heat down (at least 3 degrees) will be entered in a drawing to win a $50 gift card. (Shh, we secretly turned ours down by seven! And we’ve left it there!)

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  • Reply
    13 Jun 2011 at 6:20 pm


  • Reply
    13 Jun 2011 at 12:40 pm

    I’d love to have a bit of that gigantic muffin! 😀

  • Reply
    13 Jun 2011 at 9:50 am

    I love the idea of National Sweater day. That’s such a neat idea!

    Also, muffin cakes = win.

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