The Whisketeers

Superman Caturday

I feel like a huge jerk for not taking a portrait length photo of Morn. Oh well, there’s always next time. =) (And there’s no audio on the video clip, sorry about that. I must have accidentally turned it off.)

And, for those who didn’t see my tweeting or instagram photos about it, we’ve discovered Atlas enjoys watching television. I don’t think I’ve ever met a cat that actually enjoyed watching TV. Sometimes Morn and Pumpkin will watch a nature show if there’s birds or anything, but most of the time they’re indifferent to it. But Atlas came right up and settled down and watched Toy Story all the way through! (And I mean his eyes were following the little toys all over the place. He was actually watching it.) Notice how Atlas made it and Tom fell asleep? =)

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  • Reply
    22 Aug 2011 at 9:19 pm

    Atlas seems like the perfect little addition to your lovely family! I love how intense Toy Story was for him.

    Claude doesn’t care too much for TV, but he does love to play catch and have his belly scratched. He is probably the most dog-like cat I’ve ever had…

  • Reply
    21 Aug 2011 at 1:55 pm

    Atlas is so adorable! I am melting. I love that he stayed awake, while Tom slept through the movie. Is it opposite day or something?

    Your comments make me think of Leonardo when he was younger. He played so hard he panted too! Now if he starts getting tired he is really half-assed when playing–he sits down and exerts as little energy into chasing the ball/laser/mouse as possible, just kind of idling batting his arm.

  • Reply
    21 Aug 2011 at 5:20 am

    Such lovely photos! Cute kitty!

  • Reply
    20 Aug 2011 at 10:21 pm

    Oh, we could sooo make up the audio to go with that one! Too cute!

    • Reply
      20 Aug 2011 at 11:10 pm

      Maybe I can have a “caption contest” type thing. =)

  • Reply
    20 Aug 2011 at 6:37 pm

    Ack! SO CUTE! Fran loves to watch TV, too (she’s also in full Superman pose as I type this!). Clearly this can mean one thing and one thing only: our cats are SOUL MATES! I wonder if this means Atlas will take on other quirky cat habits that I’ve seen exhibited in Franny? Such as playing fetch and being a master fly catcher?! Time will tell…

    • Reply
      20 Aug 2011 at 11:09 pm

      He definitely exhibits a lot of behavior I’ve seen in similar cats. I haven’t tried playing fetch with him yet but he acts ridiculously similar to my old roomate’s cat. (Who played fetch.) He plays so hard he pants, he watches TV and he just seems wicked smart. I’ll keep you posted of course.

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