
Grapes, Agave, and More Cats

Happy Monday, everyone, and Happy Chinese New Year to those that celebrate! 新年快乐! This year is the year of the Dragon. (I’m an Ox!) What zodiac sign do you fall into?

One of our favorite restaurants here serves vegan Japanese, Korean, and Chinese food and to celebrate the New Year they were hosting tea ceremonies, and Tom and I attended one. We both loved it! It was extremely relaxing and I enjoyed how rhythmic everything was. Taking time to really enjoy the flavor of the tea and be grateful was quite therapeutic from a stressful week. And then we visited a local Asian market yesterday that just opened up in our area and everyone was buzzing with excitement for their new year celebrations. After being surrounded by it all weekend it seemed silly not to mention it.

And now we flash back to the middle of August while I catch up with you on the Spurred project. (Atlas. Was. So. TINY!)

Group” August 16th (Day 228)

Open” August 17th (Day 229)

Waiting” August 18th (Day 230)

After two and a half weeks and three vet visits, he was released from quarantine! (Look at how TINY HE WAS!)

Recommend” August 19th (Day 231)

This is Morn’s favorite Purr Yoga pose.

Tea” August 20th (Day 232)

Well, there’s tea in the background, but this photo was too good to pass up. Turns out Atlas is quite the wordsmith.

Foreign” August 21st (Day 233)

Making vegetarian dashi (which is Japanese soup stock!).

Pain” August 22nd (Day 234)

The good kind of burning.

Cozy” August 23rd (Day 235)

Pumpkin doesn’t seem too pleased, does he?

Nest” August 24th (Day 236)

Around” August 25th (Day 237)

Atlas likes to be lifted in this basket and carried around the house so he can see everything. We pretend he’s in his own hot air balloon traveling around the world. I used to pretend the same when I was young. Only I was too big to be carried around in a basket.

PS: I almost forgot the obligatory weather update. =P
We had a snow storm and it stayed for maybe two days but it’s all melted and there’s no snow. I cannot believe it! =(

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  • Reply
    8 Apr 2012 at 4:17 am

    i would loove to try all of your recipes ^ . ^

  • Reply
    25 Jan 2012 at 7:30 pm

    aw, that Atlas loves to be carried around in a basket is so cute! 🙂

  • Reply
    24 Jan 2012 at 6:56 am

    Hi Sara!!!! Guenki des ka???
    Beuatiful photos
    Kisses rose jp

  • Reply
    24 Jan 2012 at 1:20 am

    love the ‘hot air balloon’ basket & the tea photo is gorgeous

  • Reply
    23 Jan 2012 at 2:56 pm

    These are all so gorgeous.

    And I love your workout clothes!

  • Reply
    23 Jan 2012 at 2:25 pm

    I love that picture labelled “Tea”…SO adorable!!

  • Reply
    Jade Sheldon
    23 Jan 2012 at 2:04 pm

    I’m a rabbit!

    I absolutely love tea ceremonies. Need to go to one soon.

    All this kitty love is making me so anxious for Cory and I to adopt in July! Can’t come soon enough!

  • Reply
    23 Jan 2012 at 1:27 pm

    I’ve been following your blog for some time now (I saw a hair post on Pinterest that lead me here.) Never commented before but just wanted to say I love all of your pictures. Adorable cats! My favorite picture from this set is Pain. You look strong and healthy. 🙂

  • Reply
    Jenn A.
    23 Jan 2012 at 1:24 pm

    Definitely enjoying all the kitty photos in this post! They are so adorable.

  • Reply
    23 Jan 2012 at 1:22 pm

    There are WAY too many awesome and adorable kitty photos in this post for me to handle. Atlas on top of Pumpkin? Oh man…

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