
Measuring Cups, A Running Gif, and Prompt Advice

Happy Tuesday, everyone! (Sorry that I didn’t post this yesterday.) Choosing a favorite photo in this weeks line up of the Spurred project was hard! I’m obviously particularly fond of the photo “After”, which takes first place. But tied in second is “Missing” and “Fly”. “Fly” was so fun to take! I actually had to slow my pace down because I apparently run too fast for the camera to catch each part of my step. My least favorite photo is probably “Repaired” because I feel it’s just lacking in something.

Kristina asked, “I liked that you found unique ways of interpreting the prompts. Do you have any advice for those of us trying a project like this?”

I used a very simple trick for this project, but I didn’t always use it! For each word I wrote down the first two things that popped into my head, and then I didn’t use them. Instead, I tried to use the third association that came to mind in an effort to keep things fresh and challenging for myself. (Sometimes it proved a little too challenging!) And I always tried to incorporate a part of my day somehow, if could. Remember that at the end of the day all that matters is that you take a photo, and some days it’s not going to be your best work, and it’s not going to be the most imaginative interpretation of your prompt, but that’s okay! Just make sure to snap that photo.

“Repaired” September 19th (Day 262)

One of our measuring cups snapped in half as I was scooping out some brown sugar the day before this prompt. It was beyond repair, so we decided to bring home some new ones. I was excited at first because it meant that I could perhaps bring home some wooden measuring cups and spoons that I’d always dreamed my kitchen would have! But during my hunt I came up empty. (With all these new bamboo cutting boards and bowls, why has nobody made measuring cups and spoons?! So much better than plastic or metal!) I must tell you, though, I saw these from windrush during my quest for the perfect measuring cups and absolutely fell in love. But I don’t love them $250 worth.

“Missing” September 20th (Day 263)

Somehow I had this for the prompt of “missing”, and it made sense, but I wrote it down without a description (obviously a while ago now) and I’ve since forgotten it.

“Fly” September 21st (Day 264)

Want to see a moving picture?

“Glow” September 22nd (Day 265) Only 100 left!

This furball actually singed his whiskers by sticking his head over a candle. Now before you think I’m some horrid cat parent, I’ve been so fortunate to have had many a cat in my life, and when it comes to learning about fire- I’m always standing right there and they’ve always simply sniffed and then backed way off, realizing, “Hey, this is HOT.” But not Atlas, no. He just put his face right over that candle and singed his whiskers! I may have already told you this story, but I hope you’ll forgive me if I have because it’s a fun one.

“Straight” September 23rd (Day 266)

“After” September 24th (Day 267)

Happily Ever After, Kelly & Tom. (This was taken with the 100mm 2.8!)

“Landmark” September 25th (Day 268)

There were no processing tricks for this! As we were leaving Traverse City, the sun was setting behind us yet because of the rain everything in front of us was still blue. I kept turning around unable to really believe what I was seeing. It was one of the prettiest things I’ve seen and I don’t think I could do it justice with photographs.

“Circle” September 26th (Day 269)

This fruits basket was such a fiasco to hang up! We don’t have a lot of kitchen space in our apartment, so we’re always looking for ways to adjust things and make room- so we thought a fruits basket would be a great help! Turns out you can’t hang anything in the ceiling and some places on the wall are steel so you can’t hang anything there, either! We eventually managed to hang it up using an outdoor plotted plant hanger and it’s helped us out quite a bit.

“Late” September 27th (Day 270)

I almost always leave the tea bag in too long. (Taken with the 100mm 2.8)

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  • Reply
    8 Apr 2012 at 3:52 am

    i <3 that thérapy tea 🙂 i wish i could find more of it

  • Reply
    29 Feb 2012 at 10:57 am

    Oh Sara, you continue to amaze me! I love that you shared the HOW you interpurt the prompts! I too have enjoyed your take and wondered how you got there. I might try the idea of brainstorming a few verisons and see if I like it or not. Then again, I should probably start smaller – like committing to take one picture every day for a week! What I am doing right now is a major overhaul in my life and I’ve been going through lots of change. And one thing that has persisted is my love of photography. You continue to inspire me with your lovely light and colorful images! I actually just started really flirting with manual mode on my camera this week and am both frustrated and excited! Anywho… I’ve never unsubscribed from your blog (I have a lot of others while ‘cleaning up’) and I just wanted to thank you again for being willing to share so much. It reaches someone!

    • Reply
      29 Feb 2012 at 11:00 am

      Thank you so so so much for this comment, it really really means so much to me you have no idea. Thank you for taking the time to reach out and let me know that my posts mean something to someone. I am so blessed, thank you so so much.

  • Reply
    28 Feb 2012 at 8:04 pm

    That running GIF is weirdly addictive. It’s like a little running earthquake.

    And I agree with Jade. That image of the day to night is totally wow.

  • Reply
    Jade Sheldon
    28 Feb 2012 at 6:52 pm

    Ah! Those wood measuring cups are unbelievable. Totally putting them on my dream kitchen list!

    For your “missing” prompt, the first thing it made me think about was that they were missing off the vine now.

    And, wow, that image of Traverse City is unreal. What a wonderful thing to have witnessed.

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