I apologize in advance for how image heavy this post will be! Even though this is most definitely a photoblog, I try to keep the images to a reasonable amount so as not to crash any computers! (But there were just too many photos to choose from!) Anyway, the sun came out (a little too much if you ask me) for the day and when Tom and I came downstairs there was a beautiful breakfast laid out for us. Apple filled pastries, homemade blueberry muffins and homemade cranberry granola! Oh, and of course, tea. The rest of the day was spent either exploring or relaxing at the pond. There was a gentle breeze and the pond water could have been mistaken with bath water.

You may or may not have noticed that Tom and I are both extremely pale. (He’s Irish. I have no such excuse.) No, the photos are not actually blown out. We are that white. Okay, I’m kidding, but this actually is a good question. What on earth do you photographers do when the sun is staring you directly in the face, there is no shade, but you want to capture the memories?! How do you avoid blow outs?
Tomorrow I will be sharing Brendan’s strawberry mayo concoction, so be ready! (Why on earth did I not think of mixing those two things together before?!) After that comes a 365 digest or two, brownie recipe, and who knows what else! Thanks for stopping by! Now hop outside and take some photos!
Photos 22, 23, 24, & 25 by Bronwyn.
11 Aug 2010 at 11:15 pmlove these shots soo much that i featured some of them on my blog and credited you of course check it out and let me know what you think follow/ comment and i will in return thanks!
12 Aug 2010 at 12:52 pmThanks for the feature, and I’d love to check out your blog but unfortunately you left no link!
Christopher Dael
2 Aug 2010 at 5:38 pmThis is a wonderful series. You’ve really captured a perfect day in photos. I particularly like the two shots starring that handsome pup!
29 Jul 2010 at 3:21 amGuh. I want a grown up sleep over!
As for the bright sun situation– what do I normally do for my photos? Wait a few hours. 😛 Or begrudgingly stop down.
28 Jul 2010 at 6:21 amcute photos
27 Jul 2010 at 8:01 pmTaylor is Irish also! well. Irish and Guatemalan. it is such and absurd mix. but he is white white white. i mean, like he could pass for a vampire. which would explain his aversion to pictures…hmmmm
lol love the pics! ^.^
27 Jul 2010 at 3:52 pmLooks like an absolutely wonderful time!