This weekend was the 26th Annual Toronto Vegetarian Food Fair. Coming from a small town, this was my first time doing anything like this. I didn’t take as many photos as I thought I would, (I guess I was too busy soaking it all in) but I did get a lot of photos of the vendor booths! VegNews was there giving away free issues, which was neat because they had a lovely feature on Canada and included Toronto locals like Angela from Oh She Glows! I’d like to think that perhaps they planned it that way, since they knew the Veg Fair would be going on, but perhaps that’s a bit of a stretch. There was SO much food and so many free samples, it was really quite wonderful. Local restaurants and bakeries had stands set up where you could buy (and often sample) their food. We met a lot of really friendly, genuine people there, and I’m sad that it’s already over! I’ll definitely be going again next year.

More tomorrow!
Sara Lynn
14 Sep 2010 at 1:38 amWhile checking google to make sure my web page updates were working I came across your site. One of those weird “did we get separated at birth” kinda moments. My name is Sara Lynn, I am 24, I have red hair, live life through a viewfinder, am a vegetarian, an avid runner trying to use my blog to force me to help train for a 10k… and have a weirdly similar blog style… a little uncanny…but regardless I love your work! I enjoy your art and your insight. =]
Nicole Lee
13 Sep 2010 at 4:10 pmLove, love, love the photos. And I TOTALLY wish I could have seen that. I’ll have to look into whether or not Tampa has something like that.
Nicole Lee
14 Sep 2010 at 8:18 amAnd what do you know? There is. October 2nd. Can’t wait to show you my photos. 🙂
13 Sep 2010 at 11:24 amarghhh i SO wanted to be there. Next year I am strapping the kid on and road tripping there! Also for Nuit Blanche as well!! I’m so glad you guys got to experience going though, my sis in law and her fam always go!