Dining Out

Wasabi Grand Buffet

Tom and I went to a Japanese buffet a few days ago on a whim. It was recommended to us a while back by Tom’s dad, but we assumed (on the name “Wasabi” alone) that it would be a very North American restaurant with not authentic food, so we hadn’t really gone out of our way to try this place. I was also under the impression is was just a sushi buffet. JUST a sushi buffet it is not! And I’m happily mistaken! It was a Japanese buffet. For those of you that don’t know, I grew up in Japan, and have been whining about the lack of Japanese selection on the menus of “Asian cuisine” restaurants for the last decade. So, to put it mildly, I was really happy to be dining here.

Everything was in both languages, and Tom and I could identify three of those kanji!

Salt, pepper, and soy sauce. The necessities, you know.

All you can eat sushi, no joke. And it was GOOD.

Most of these were labeled in Japanese and I could identify a little bit.

Vegetarian spring rolls, some type of yakisoba, and honey pork. There is bbq eel in the bowl with rice and a pickled something, I suspect.

Fresh fruit in a cup with fruit sauce. And REAL Japanese ice cream. The difference is incredible.

Tom and I both find North American cake too heavy and rich and the frosting is full of sugar and thick in my mouth (I hate frosting) – so I avoid it all costs. We were the kids that had birthday pie instead of cake. We will have a wedding pie instead of cake. And actually, it’s not just cake, most sweets are too rich and heavy, but the Japanese counterparts are light and fluffy and don’t leave me feeling like I was punched in the stomach with a bag of sugar.

And the ice cream is really something else. Ah, a taste of home. It was a good day.

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  • Reply
    29 Apr 2010 at 10:43 am

    i absolutely love wasabi! it’s fantastic that they offer all you can eat. and the desserts are delightful 🙂 there’s a location in richmond hill, not sure if you went to that one, but they have a chocolate fountain there haha 🙂

  • Reply
    24 Apr 2010 at 10:33 pm

    That simply looks delicious! Aaron and I agree on the North American sweets, though there are some that we like. Icing is disgusting. We made some icing for our Christmas cookies this year and that was fun!

    Hey, I need info on the wedding! I need to request the time off and have Aaron black out the dates. You know how to get ahold of me. I love you much. <3<3<3<3

  • Reply
    23 Apr 2010 at 10:59 am

    That food looks amazing. My mom and dad also had little wedding pies for each guest that my mom and her father in law made.

  • Reply
    21 Apr 2010 at 10:50 am


  • Reply
    19 Apr 2010 at 6:45 pm

    Oh my goodness now I am so hungry! Lovely photos.

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