


  • Spurred

    Bread Disasters, Laundry, and What If

    Sorry friends, I was supposed to post this yesterday and then share our Father’s Day dinner with you today, but I’ve been so incredibly busy this weekend (and yesterday) that I…

  • Spurred

    Tom, The Cats & National Sweater Day

    Happy Monday, everyone! It seems like I’ve designated Mondays as my Spurred project days, I hope you don’t mind. I just finished Pumpkin’s latest Purr Yoga workout and I’m completely tuckered…

  • Spurred

    The Beginning of February

    I hope everyone had a grand weekend. It’s starting to get really hot here, but you’ll hear no complaints for me. I am prepared this year. Flip flops, spaghetti straps, shorts,…

  • Spurred

    Space, Sweaters & Snow

    Okay, I need to start posting one of these collections at least once a week or I’ll truly never catch up! (Plus, I’ve taken some really cool photos lately that I…

  • Spurred

    The End of January

    With this post, we finish the Spurred photographs for January. I know, I’m so behind, but every time I get ready to share a post I realize I want to post…

  • Personal Spurred

    A Set Of Muted Tones

    So, I had this posted, and then I erased the intro in a panic and replaced it, but then I felt like a liar so I am putting the original intro…

  • Spurred

    A Mug Shot, Squirrel, and Engrish

    Yesterday marked day 100 of the prompt a day project! The neat thing about posting the photos from this project after the fact is that I get to read the text…

  • Spurred

    Spurred: Another Photo A Day

    I thought long and hard before committing myself to another 365 days project. I know, I know, you’re going to tell me I’m crazy and that I must enjoy putting myself…