Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

Hair, Magnets, and Caricature Face

We’ve had Morn on a diet for the last few months and he’s finally starting to get comfortable again. Once upon a time he used to love laying on people whether it was their chest, their lap, their face, but when he gained all his weight he stopped laying in places unless he had enormous space around him. Today he sat on my lap for the first time in a long time. Twice.

Day 161 marked St. Patrick’s Day!

Even though Tom and his family are Irish, they don’t really celebrate St. Patrick’s except for maybe phone calls to the family. (Tom, his mother, and his grandparents are the only bunch not in Ireland.) I’d say they’re more an Easter bunch.

But because I like being festive I thought I’d at least wear green, although it appears as though this is the only green thing I own anymore.

I trimmed my fringe again. Kind of regretting it now, though. I hate it when that happens.

Sometimes we goof around and put on our pre-engagement rings (which we usually wear on necklaces) while we’re out and about.

We originally picked out the promise rings to wear during the long distance period of our relationship, but we still wear them every day even now we’re no longer apart. They both read, "Fear Not", which we thought was extremely appropriate.

And day 164, March 20th, I officially landed as a Canadian immigrant, but we knew that already, didn’t we? Booorrrriiiinnggg.

Are you ready for some cheese? Tom and I wanted to start collecting something from the places we visit together, but didn’t want a bunch of snow globes or Christmas tree ornaments, so we decided on magnets. But not the cheesy ones. As if collecting magnets wasn’t cheesy enough, come on. We’re an old couple trapped in the bodies of twenty-somethings, really.

Making tea photographed in gloomy day window light.

Oh yeah. I pinched the mouth area and made my nose beefy because it was too funny to resist. Am I allowed to have such a thing as a 365 photo? I should think so, you’ve seen enough of my normal face to last a life time. I should be allowed to have some fun. So there. I’m doing it. It’s done.

Meet Caricature Face, sneakin’ in yer house, eatin’ yer bagels.
Terrifying, isn’t it?

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  • Reply
    26 Mar 2010 at 3:25 pm

    awh, i’m happy that he was able to lose some weight and now he feels more comfy. 🙂 it reminds me when i feel fat or bloated, i don’t like to wear tight clothes and i feel uncomfortable in my own skin. worst feeling ever.
    btw: cats own the internet, i swear.

    the magnet collecting idea is soooo cute. eep.

    and at first when i saw your cheeks i thought you got a root canal or something. hahah! 😛

  • Reply
    26 Mar 2010 at 9:41 am

    That is the best magnet ever it’s really cute.

  • Reply
    26 Mar 2010 at 4:10 am

    Ah, my brother and sister in law also do the magnet thing! On one of my last posts you can see their refrigerator and there’s a whole bunch of magnets from places they visited. 🙂

  • Reply
    26 Mar 2010 at 1:38 am

    Well I love the hair! And I love how red it looks. (I win Tom!)

    The magnets is a cute/awesome idea. We all need some cheese in our lives.

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