Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

Meeting The Halfway Hump

Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.
one seventy five – one eighty three

Been rockin’ the curlers the past few days, so I thought I’d share this for the April Fools photo.

Time to start serious planning, I think.

Tom and I went to our secret place on day 177, but you knew that already!

Because everyone needs a little chocolate and a bunny. Though to be fair, Tom and I aren’t huge chocolate people so this bunny, minus a head, is sitting in our fridge currently.

I picked up these new dishes last week because the dark dishes just weren’t cutting it for food photography. And because they match my really cute light peach tea plate & cup!

Oh my gosh. We picked up this "spiced plum" red tea, and it is so delicious. The perfect blend of cinnamon, plum, and spice.

Day 182. When I realized that today marked the halfway point, I didn’t know whether to cry or to be thankful that I’m this far in the project. This 365 day self portrait project has proven to be more difficult that I had imagined, but the struggle has been an adventure in and of itself, and I think I’ve taken some really neat photos that I wouldn’t have taken otherwise. (It would have been a lot easier if I could have just taken a photo a day!)

I do consider myself lucky though, and that’s because I started in the fall and it enabled me to start strong in a season I love with the ability to photograph outside. And when winter hit, I was ready. It was still the beginning of the project and I wasn’t completely burned out. Even though it was really tough through those winter months inside with dreary light, the hardest part of the project is over! There’s nothing left but warm weather and sunlight ahead.


This is one of two little jars I keep of ocean sand. The one pictured is sand from the beaches of Okinawa, Japan. The other is from Huntington Beach, California. They look almost identical. The only reason I can tell them apart is because the jar from Huntington isn’t quite as full as the one from Okinawa.

They sit on my desk, right next to my glow in the dark jelly fish glass thing, my shiisa ???, my yen, and Ashling’s origami butterfly. I glance at these reminders once and a while because they keep me rooted.

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