Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.

A Whole Lot Of Hands

Today is Tuesday. I like Tuesdays. Tuesdays are good blogging days.

Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.
days two hundred – two hundred seven

Day 200 Mr. and I played RISK! I’ve never really been a fan of Risk, simply because it seems like the game was designed just to be prolonged. (Some of the rules don’t quite make sense to me unless they’re in place simply to make the game longer.) But, Mr. loves strategy and had never played before, so we gave it a go! I was yellow, he was red, and Pumpkin was blue. I’m sure he’ll blog about his attempts at world domination sometime soon.

Day 201 wasn’t anything special, but I was going through all my empty journals to find one for a project to start on May 1st. (Write an actual journal entry in a paper journal every day for a month. Include pictures.) So far so good.

You know me and muffins. And it’s definitely muffin season. (When isn’t it?) These are low-fat carrot muffins, because by the time I am done, I’ve had about as much fat as I would have normally, but with TWICE the muffins in my belly! YES, outsmarting the system.

Handmade wedding invitations! I’m not really writing on them with pen, we’re going to print on them. I am all set to start filling them out but I am waiting on a few key details! Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Oh boy, oh boy. It gives me chills every time I see prints of my work.

I did it. I pitched out the old shoes. These dug into my heels and gave me crazy blisters, so I had to let them go. For those of you that didn’t know, I had two of the same pair of shoes for three years. Loved them. Wore them daily. But I didn’t wear them much anymore.

I don’t usually sell my old belongings. I give them away to people I know or to Goodwill, etc. But on day 206 I finally decided we needed to sell some things we just have laying around, one of which is a printer. This is the first flyer I’ve ever made and I was pretty excited about it afterward. You can’t see the bottom part of the flyer because it has our phone number on it. You know how it is, internet ‘n all.

(We’re also selling two 19″ flat screen monitors and my Canon Powershot S5 IS. Email me if you’re interested, though I will be honest and say I have had four different people ask about my Powershot and I’ve talked them out of it and into a DSLR. If you’re looking for a high quality, in-your-purse point and shoot though, I’m your lady.)

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  • Reply
    Jackie Lynne
    13 May 2010 at 9:57 am

    I’d love to hear the DSLR spiel too – I’ve been debating about buying one for awhile now! Do you have a recommendation for a beginner DSLR? Canon Rebel XS?

    Thanks Sara!!

    – Jackie

  • Reply
    11 May 2010 at 7:11 pm

    You look as beautiful as ever my love! I’ll reply to your email soon. Today, I feel like the walking dead. I love you.

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