Goodbye Miss, Hello Mrs.
Days two hundred fifty seven – two hundred sixty four
Because every girl should have a strawberry sun dress …with pockets.
This is Tom and I on day 258 taking our fun engagement style photos. We’re being ridiculous, as usual. His arm is so blown out that I want to scream. Sometimes the sun and I just don’t get along. This is one of those times.
My closet has so much grey!
My journals! Click here to see notes that name them all and show what year they were written in.
This rose necklace was given to my grandmother when she was sixteen, and then to my mother, and then finally to me. The rose would flip over though when I wore it, so I added these to weight it down. Even though I never had the chance to meet my grandmother, something tells me she’d think it was okay.
The air conditioner broke. It sounded like a jet engine! Luckily it was cold and rainy the entire few days we were waiting for it to be replaced. It couldn’t have come at a better time.
Munching on some delicious summer moist strawberry bread! Pumpkin doesn’t actually want the bread, but cuddles. See, I took this at about six thirty in the morning, which is shortly after breakfast for him. And after he eats he wants to cuddle up and sleep on laps or in armpit hammocks. He’s staring at me waiting for me to put the bread down and realize that it’s cuddle time. Obviously.
OH gosh, I’m getting excited. ONLY 100 more photos TO GO. I can’t believe it. It’s closing in on me. What, you ask? Freedom. In all seriousness though, as much as I whine about this project, it’s been quite an experience. There are tons of photos that I just wouldn’t have taken if I didn’t have to. Photos that I turned out loving. What on earth am I going to do after 365? Perhaps some collaborative projects?
10 Jul 2010 at 2:50 pmBeautiful sweetheart! I cannot wait for my invitation either! I’ve got to figure out how I’m going to do the time off request. 😀
10 Jul 2010 at 3:26 amI like the shot with the journals and the rose/charm necklace. This makes me miss photography!
10 Jul 2010 at 2:32 amso, i found you and tom in pixel form!
10 Jul 2010 at 2:32 am
9 Jul 2010 at 10:49 amI didn’t even notice pumpkin in the photo with your bread. It scared me when I looked for him after you mentioned him! Haha.
Also, I was ironing clothes yesterday, and ironed 7 or 8 shirts and hung them on the edge of the ironing board to put away together. When I put them away, I realized they were all either black or white. I used to have such a colorful wardrobe!
Wonderful photos!!
Oh, and if you don’t like the sun in that engagement photo of you and Tom, why did you use it as your 365? Just curious!
9 Jul 2010 at 11:46 amHaha, he’s kind of creepy that way, huh? I have a lot of colorful scarves or undershirts, but I love grey sweaters and cardigans.
About the engagement 365: I kind of made a promise to myself a few weeks ago that I would try really hard not to “reuse” photos for my 365, and that if I had already done a blog post about something and used a photo, I would use something else for the 365 project so everything remained fresh. So, all my favorite engagement photos were already shared! Plus, I really do love this photo. I think the big flowers are goofy, and it’s a cute moment, I just wish the sun/shade had cooperated a little more.
9 Jul 2010 at 11:49 amI totally understand. 🙂
I think I have mostly white and black for work. Most of the white and black shirts I don’t wear on the weekends or in the evenings outside of the office. I do have a few black t-shirts, but they have something on them, and are a minority next to the colorful ones I have. But since work is 5/7 days…I end up mostly neutral.
Nicole Lee
9 Jul 2010 at 8:59 amI love that strawberry dress. I’ve been looking all over for some sort of summer print that I love, but as of yet have come up with nothing. Though, in Florida we can kind of wear “summer dresses” all year, so I’ve got tons of time.
As for working toward finishing the project. I am so proud (also read: jealous) that you have found the resolve to start and finish this. It’s very inspiring. When I get a computer I may try again, just because I now know it really can be done- and done well.
9 Jul 2010 at 11:49 amIt was really hard, but it’s been really rewarding at the same time. I can’t believe this is pretty much the home stretch.
8 Jul 2010 at 11:08 pmOooh. I could be down for a collaboration, once you’re done three-six-five-ing it up! Did you have any ideas in mind?
9 Jul 2010 at 11:48 amI was hoping you’d say that! Though I’m not what we should do. We’ve got time though to come up with something good, so I’ll email you!