Personal The Whisketeers Words & Photos With Tom

Bath Time

Sara and I bought some cat shampoo many months ago and never really got around to using it mostly because– well, have you ever given a cat a bath? Yeah. That’s why.

Also, our three hellions are all indoor cats, so they don’t have much opportunity to get seriously dirty or covered in all sorts of undesirable pests. (Though Atlas does try his best to get into the fireplace when he’s bored.)

However, today the fire alarm went off in our building (Someone had left the stove on.) and Sara had to take the cats down by herself as I wasn’t home at the time.

We have three cat carriers, but as Sara has only two hands, that wasn’t really workable, so she had to put Morn and Atlas into one cat carrier. The thing about that is that when Atlas leaves the house he gets scared. And when Atlas gets scared, he pees himself.

So, needless to say, him and Morn needed to have a bath after we got back into our apartment. Which was perfect because how often do you get to take super high quality pictures of your cat soaking wet? (Morally speaking, I mean. I suppose I could soak them just for a photo-op but that feels cruel.)

We made sure to give them some Catnip so that they weren’t too upset. Honestly though, if I were a cat and I got torn from my home, peed on and then soaked to the bone, I’d throw the Catnip back in your face. Luckily they aren’t as, well… catty …as I am.

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  • Reply
    30 Oct 2012 at 2:56 am

    they both look pretty adorable wet 🙂

  • Reply
    27 Oct 2012 at 8:29 pm

    Poor miserable adorable little kitties!

    Also I am glad that your apartment is OK!

  • Reply
    27 Oct 2012 at 6:07 am

    they do look cute all damp & spiky 🙂

  • Reply
    26 Oct 2012 at 4:16 pm

    Meanwhile, Pumpkin is in the corner pointing and laughing. 😉

  • Reply
    26 Oct 2012 at 2:14 pm

    Awww, poor kitties!!! They’re adorable.

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