
13 Days in Michigan (Day One)

Covering the first day will be easy because most of it was spent driving. (Surprise.) We had packed the night before, and actually if I’m honest I had packed several days before I probably should have, and the only reason I say that is because I was sneaking stuff out of my suitcase and back into it. For some odd reason, I signed on to my computer to check my email before I went, but I hadn’t planned on it. But because I did, Tom and I saw we’d be picking Bronwyn up at her Toronto house, instead of at the farm. It shaved off two hours off our trip. HOLY COW. So we took our time getting ready and leaving and we ended up heading down the highway to Michigan right on time. This rarely ever happens for me, but I’m trying harder.

[flickr size=”small” float=”right”][/flickr] Kimee’s birthday was on the 27th, so when we arrived I had her open her birthday gifts from Tom and I. She got a DS from mom and two games from Kat, so we picked two DS games to help get her started as well. We chose Animal Crossing and Professor Layton and the Curious Village. Animal Crossing is two players, and only one actual game disk is required, so both Kimee and Chrissy can play. Professor Layton is a puzzle game, and I’m pretty sure Kat was addicted to it most of the vacation. (I knew that would happen, and chose Layton on purpose, Tom as my witness.)

[flickr size=”small” float=”left”][/flickr] I had small gifts for Kiki, Riley, Kara, and Kelly as well. This was an exciting part of my vacation prep because I really spent a lot of time wrapping them and making everything match and I was really excited about giving them as soon as we got there. I spent some time saying hello to my cats, Morn and Pumpkin. Morn has lost weight (but he’s still a fatty) and Pumpkin is still as distracted and loving as ever. Once Morn found Tom and where he was to be sleeping he pretty much stayed there until we left. He and Pumpkin slept on our legs, which made turning in a twin sized bed difficult. Other than the difficulty rolling, Tom and I didn’t notice the size of the bed hardly at all. We usually sleep really close anyway. When you read that you should try your hardest to envision Tom laying still and straight and no matter which way he scoots I scoot closer and trap him under a few sprawled limbs. Poor Tom.

[flickr size=”small” float=”right”][/flickr] Next up on the agenda was a stop to Taco House, a local fast-foodish type place that has some of the best bean and cheese burritos on the planet. They’re 99 cents, come ON. You can’t get better than that. Man, I’d like a burrito right about now. Before we left however, the little girls showed me some photo albums they found with photos I’d never SEEN before from when Kat and I were young and ridiculous and living in Japan. I went scan happy and will absolutely share at a later date, when I’ve not flooded you to tears with these thirteen days.

[flickr size=”small” float=”left”][/flickr] After Taco House we went to our friend Kara’s house for relaxation and “So You Think You Can Dance”. (I think Bronwyn was secretly really happy Riley was so insistent on watching the episode.) We had delicous milk tea (Tom and I will be picking some up from the markets here soon) and we recorded our “space” video, which was really just Riley talking about Sailor Moon and Bronwyn and I falling over from exhaustion.

[flickr size=”small” float=”right”][/flickr] Me and Kat vs Tom and Riley in ping pong ballet. I’m not sure who won but I got smacked with the ball so hard there was a welt on my arm. (Thanks Riley.)

And I’m pretty sure I hated my photos from the first night simply because they were blurry and I couldn’t figure out what the heck I needed to switch to make the colors not so disgusting. But I was too tired to mess with so after a while I just gave up.

Enjoy the first night. It’s a short gallery but trust me, we make up for it. It’s funny actually. B and I would take tons and tons of photos one day, and barely any the next and then a whole bunch more again.

Anyway, more tomorrow. Right now we’re off to Tim Horton’s for help waking up and a night of Silent Hill.

Photos taken by both me and Bronwyn.
[flickr-gallery mode=”photoset” photoset=”72157621891270697″]

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  • Reply
    12 Aug 2009 at 6:32 pm

    Oh man, not even secretly! THANK YOU RILEYYY. I will be watching the rest tonight. 😉

    I love reading about this. I mean, it’s silly because I was there but it’s like the farm visits. I get to relive it! 😀

  • Reply
    12 Aug 2009 at 2:12 pm

    awesome!! and the first year and a half of taylor and i live together was spent in a twin bed. we didn’t mind it either, kind of miss it actually. LOVE the pics! I’m so glad you got to see your family and had a wonderful time 😀

  • Reply
    12 Aug 2009 at 9:49 am

    Love, love, love this post. I felt like I was there. I have been seeing the photos everywhere the past few days, and never get tired of looking at them. I can’t wait to read more about the trip. =] I r missed yew.

  • Reply
    12 Aug 2009 at 7:12 am

    amazing pictures! I loved that space video. It was great hearing Riley again 🙂

    Can’t wait to hear more about the trip!

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