Personal Spurred

A Bunch Of Favorites And A New Lens

Oh my word, I love so many of these that it’s hard to pick a favorite. In fact, I can’t because every time I try I end up saying, “No wait.” Not to toot my own horn or anything, it’s just sometimes you just have a good streak when you’re taking photos. Lots of creativity flowing easily, etc etc. Okay, now I feel like a cocky turd, so I’m going to have to pick one. Relax, Water, and Technology are my favorites. (Hey, I tried!)

My least favorite is “Green”! To be honest I had so many cool ideas for that prompt but then I had a busy day and sometimes I just have to realize that I won’t be able to take the one I want every day. And at the very end of these photos I picked up this new lens and I pretty much haven’t taken it off my camera since. Sort of.

Blur” (April 6th)

Relax” (April 7th)

Corner” (April 8th)

Journey” (April 9th)

Water (April 10th) Day 100

Technology” (April 11th)

Green” (April 12th)

Door” (April 13th)

*Final two images photographed with the 35mm 1.4, all else 50mm 1.4

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  • Reply
    20 Aug 2011 at 3:48 pm

    These are gorgeous! I’d have trouble picking a favorite, too.

  • Reply
    18 Aug 2011 at 8:23 am

    really lovely!
    i love relax the most. so coot.

  • Reply
    Flower Child Vintage
    18 Aug 2011 at 7:27 am

    OK, never mind. I just saw the line of text at the end of the post… oops!

  • Reply
    Flower Child Vintage
    18 Aug 2011 at 7:26 am

    oh my goodness, everything from the design of this blog to the pictures in this post have blown me away. its so siple and beautiful…

    is your new lens the lens you used when taking these photos? if so, what f stop is it? i’m looking for a new lens that will accomplish similar pictures with that lovely shallow depth of field and have had no success whatsoever in finding one ha!

  • Reply
    16 Aug 2011 at 9:51 am

    Love all of these–particularly the ‘corner’ shot because it captures those little rays of light streaming in diagonally. I know what you mean about having a ‘winning streak’ with the camera. Some days you take the camera to this beautiful location and find your hands have lost all ability to hold steady and your eye loses all ability to find good composition. On the other days, you can spend days taking photos of random stuff in your living room! It’s funny how it sometimes works out!

  • Reply
    16 Aug 2011 at 2:11 am

    I LOVE the 4th photo. It’s a bit whimsical and mysterious. And you new lens is lovely! 🙂

  • Reply
    15 Aug 2011 at 6:09 pm

    I adore these photos. They are so gorgeous.

  • Reply
    15 Aug 2011 at 4:41 pm

    The 7D is cropped, right? My math-fearing brain is thinking your new baby is probably a lot like the 50 on an FX, in which case, I agree – the perspective is addictive and I almost never take it off unless I want to get in really tight!

    Super love the photo of the new lens, too. At first, I thought the kitty tail was a feather!

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