
Fat Princess, Burritos, and GREAT Party Games

Good morning, blogosphere! (One day that word WILL be recognized by browser dictionaries, do we shudder at the thought?) In my last entry I mentioned awesome people were on route to my house for a few days. Well, those awesome people happened to be my sister and our good friend Will, who will be leaving for China in about a month and unable to be at our ceremony in October, so we decided to have a ball now.


We started the day by relaxing (after their long drive) and enjoying a few party games on the PS3 like Fat Princess, which is like capture the flag, except with princess whom you feed cake once captured in an attempt to keep them fat and unmovable, hence unrescuable. Hilarious.

Kat also tends to draw things on our refrigerator white board while she’s here, which we will then leave for ages after she’s gone. This time she drew a dinosaur saying, “RAWRR I’m a dinosaur” but when I returned, Tom had drawn a little hat and added the text to go along with it. I won’t say how elated it makes me that my sister and chosen mate get along so well.


So in my old town there’s this place. This place is called Taco House. And at this place, this Taco House, bean and cheese burritos are made. These bean and cheese burritos happen to be one of my favorites on the planet. They are 99 cents each. I love them lots. Kat and Will brought me $20 worth. Because they are awesome. They were gone in two days. This is no lie. Okay, I will stop speaking in fragmented sentences. Man, I could really go for some of those burritos right now.

My sister also happens to be really into Steampunk, (and wears some really amazing outfits because of it) and had just come back from a convention, bringing with her some FABULOUS and unique group games. We Didn’t Play Test This At All, We Didn’t Play Test This Either, and Chrononauts. I can’t even begin to tell you how fun these games were. The first two were wild and ridiculous (I mean, each round begins when someone blurts out an absurd reason as to why they should go first.) and the second was a game about TIME TRAVEL. Loved them both. I could go on and on, but you should really check them out! It’s rare to find humorous and fun party games now a days, but I would own all of these.

To end the night these two party animals stayed up playing Pixel Junk Shooter and I fell asleep because I can no longer stay up late like I used to. Heck, I used to stay up until five am chatting away on the Internet to Tom! But now we’re all domesticated and I’m wearing granny panties. Okay, not really on the granny panties, but I think you know what I mean. I hope everyone’s having a fabulous Sunday, more posts are on their way!

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  • Reply
    22 Jun 2010 at 12:33 am

    lol, julian and i play fat princess for hours. (the demo.) haha. so good.
    we also love pixel junk shooter. all of pixel junk’s stuff is amazing.
    yay for fun games! eco fluxx is fun too. 🙂

  • Reply
    18 Jun 2010 at 4:53 pm

    I’m so glad your sister and friend came to visit! Fun!

    We have a demo of Fat Princess and have thought about buying the full game. It’s so funny! Those card games sound like a lot of fun, but we rarely have people over to play fun games like that with.

  • Reply
    13 Jun 2010 at 2:59 pm

    Awww. Sibling visits are the best! And I love Chrononauts– actually I love every Looney Labs game I’ve ever gotten my hands on. Give Fluxx a try (or one of their many, many variations) sometime! It’s one of my absolute favorite games ever.

    • Reply
      16 Jun 2010 at 12:34 am

      I really wanted to try Zombie Fluxx but couldn’t find the time. Is it worth buying blind if I have no one to play it with?
      I’m kind of leaning toward not buying it because it sounds so similar to Mao, which I don’t need a special deck of cards for.

      Also I should add that the $20 worth of burritos made for a funny story involving the border crossing guard, and that we accidentally lost EIGHT HOURS to Pixel Junk Shooter; it was totally a time-warp.

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