So far it’s proven to be a pretty busy November and we’re only seven days in! Last week I found it difficult to balance my time between all my projects and goals, but this realization has actually been a good thing and will open up some opportunity to practice single-tasking. I’ve found I spend a lot of time tinkering around on the net (watching YouTube videos, checking links from friends, etc) in between my activities. So of course it takes me twice as long to do something than I realize. (For example, I just opened a new tab to do something “really fast” and wound up on 9Gag. Oops!) My goal for this week is to really practice single-tasking.
I feel like when I tell you my favorite picture in this set is “Alive” it may feel like cheating, but it really is. My heart speeds up when I see Tom’s “I-love-you” grin in combination with his eye sparkle. He used to be so terrified of my camera and of getting his picture taken, especially in public. I don’t really have a least favorite in this set, to be honest. I like them all. I figure I’ve had plenty of posts where I didn’t like the whole lot of them, so to have a batch that I like is really nice.
Some random tidbits: The wood thing you see in the first photo is actually a fan stand thing for my laptop, but Atlas chewed off the cord so now it is just a stand, but I love it because it lifts my keyboard up into a better typing position for me. The photograph of Morn out for his walk was a little awkward to take. I had to hold his lead in one hand and then the camera in the other, and crawl through a bunch of bushes after him because he likes to explore. There was a group of ladies talking on the sidewalk and it was a little weird when they saw me with a cat on a lead and then even weirder when I started hobble crawling through the bushes with my camera. I was reenacting all the cool wildlife photographers who stalk mountain lions. Or something.
Happy Monday!
“Wood” (June 17th) Day 168
“Slice” (June 18th) Day 169
“Alive” (June 19th) Day 170

“Mental” (June 20th) Day 171
“Plain” (June 21st) Day 172
“Trio” (June 22nd) Day 173
“Walk” (June 23rd) Day 174
“Price” (June 24th) Day 175
11 Nov 2011 at 9:05 amHello Sara!
I’m sorry, I’m french and I don’t speak english very well ( :() I just want to say I appreciate your blog. It is very smooth, calm, beautiful. Your pictures are incredible, I love your work. I hope you understand what I want to say! Ton blog est vraiment un délice!
11 Nov 2011 at 12:40 pmI understood every word and I’d say you speak English quite well! Merci beaucoup! Vous parlez bien l’anglais! (I think?)
11 Nov 2011 at 5:05 pmParfait!! 😉
10 Nov 2011 at 11:41 amOh wow, these colors are stunning. Something totally inviting about them.
9 Nov 2011 at 12:59 amWhoa! Do you guys take the gatos out for strolls? I tried to instill this in Felix at a young age but he proved to have too much ninja in his blood and could wrangle himself out of any harness/collar situation.
Also, I hear ya on the internet ADD front. I’ve been struggling to get work done since the day was released! Guh! So tempting…
10 Nov 2011 at 12:33 pmWe only take Morn out for strolls, and even then only on occasion. He grew up being an outdoor cat and really, I think it bothers him on some level not to be able to prowl outside anymore. Sometimes I think he can wrangle out, but usually for ten minutes or so he’s too busy sniffing around. When he starts to try and take it off we usually head inside!
Pumpkin is (and always has been) terrified of the outdoors, the one time we tried taking him out for a walk he hid behind me in the lobby of our building and shook like a leaf the entire time. =\
And Atlas would probably love going outside, but I’m not sure if we’re ready to open that can of worms. Perhaps when he is a little older and I’m not so afraid that he’ll get out of the lead!
8 Nov 2011 at 8:58 pmThese images are rich with love, warmth and… well, for lack of a better word, home. Delight.
7 Nov 2011 at 5:03 pmi love all the names for your photos and totally agree on the whole computer ADD thing. single tasking is so hard to do these days!
7 Nov 2011 at 3:00 pmBeautiful captures, I love all of them – gives me a distinct feeling of fall!
Also, I should mention that I love that you’re a 9Gagger! 🙂
7 Nov 2011 at 1:50 pmawesome Photos!