
August Flashback

I think it’s probably natural to feel a little “lost” after completing two year long projects in a row. I find myself thinking, and almost in a panic, “Oh my gosh, I should be taking photos of something, but what!” And then I realize, there are no prompts, I don’t have to do any self portraits, I can just relax and take photos of whatever I want. Yes, perfect, this is relaxing and just what I need. But then I think it might not be so bad if I started a 52 weeks project. WHAT IS MY PROBLEM? Projects are fantastic. They help us get out of our comfort zones, they give us inspiration and motivation and we meet cool new people and take photos we never would have taken otherwise. But I’ve overloaded myself with projects the last few years that I promised myself this year I would take it easy(ier). So even though right now I feel like I have no direction, and during the time of the day I spent mulling over ideas and taking a shot for two years I simply wander around with my camera feeling helpless, I’m going to roll with it. Because it will pass, and it won’t be so scary after a while.

Far” August 6th (Day 218)

Macro” August 7th (Day 219)

This isn’t a macro shot. It isn’t even shot with my macro lens, but it’s not every day you get a chance to photograph a salt water aquarium so we’re going to roll with it.

Soft” August 8th (Day 220)

Clean” August 9th (Day 221)

Key” August 10th (Day 222)

Do you see those rubber bands hanging on the key ring? Those were for when I went running. Until this month I was strapping my iPhone to the treadmill with a rubber band or two so it would stay put while I ran, and so I left the rubber bands with the gym key so I wouldn’t forget. For my birthday this year I was given an iPod nano, which clips to my clothes, and I no longer need to MacGyver my iPhone to the treadmill. But when I look back on this photo in a few years after I’ve forgotten, I will laugh at the two/three years I spent collecting rubber bands from every asparagus bundle we brought home from the grocery store, forgetting them and only realizing once already in the gym and coming all the way back to get some, having them snap mid run- all just so I could listen to some music while I ran.

Stretch” August 11th (Day 223)

Usually I can’t handle spicy foods at all and as Tom made this chili we both thought there was no way I’d manage. “Mild” doesn’t mean squat. Okay, maybe mild means, “Sara’s mouth will explode and everyone else will wear confused looks on their faces, take another bite and conclude it’s not really spicy at all.” Because that’s usually what happens.

Except that I used to love chili dogs when I was younger. (Probably a result of being a Sonic the Hedgehog kid. I can’t believe I just admitted that.) So even now I will stretch my tolerance for spice a little bit as long as it’s in chili. And this chili was perfection.

Stripes” August 12th (Day 224)

Silence” August 13th (Day 225)

“Silence, peasant. You will provide me with a cushion.”

Sometimes I like to imagine what Morn and Pumpkin might be saying to each other.

Night” August 14th (Day 226)

Beautiful” August 15th (Day 227)

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  • Reply
    15 Jan 2012 at 8:01 pm

    What type of camera is that in the last photo? It looks quite old, almost vintage-y.

    • Reply
      16 Jan 2012 at 12:40 pm

      Hi Sarah, it’s a Canon AE-1 film camera. =)

      • Reply
        17 Jan 2012 at 7:25 pm

        Thanks 🙂

  • Reply
    14 Jan 2012 at 2:18 am

    I love your blog too! You’re inspiring me to perhaps start my own photo project, although I haven’t decided what I’ll do yet.

    Btw, can I ask where you got your key ring holder? It’s so neat! 🙂

    • Reply
      16 Jan 2012 at 12:37 pm

      Haha, which one? Do you mean the little camera that’s on my key ring? Or the blue one? The blue one was a gift from my sister from her time in Prague and the little camera Tom picked up for me when we were in a small gift shop in Traverse City! It actually flashes when you push the button, it’s so cute. I’ve seen them around here too so I think you might be able to find them where you are. =)

  • Reply
    13 Jan 2012 at 6:37 am

    Sara, i love your blog, beautiful photos…
    Kisses rose jp

    • Reply
      16 Jan 2012 at 12:34 pm

      Thank you so much for your comments, Rose! I smile with each and every one.

  • Reply
    13 Jan 2012 at 12:49 am

    yeah, those projects can really help give guidance on what you should shoot but whenever i tried them, i felt so pegged in! i really admire it when people stick with them (like you!).

    ps: how amazing is that aquarium shot?! i was recently in an aquarium and it was SO hard to shoot the fishes.

    • Reply
      16 Jan 2012 at 12:36 pm

      Yeah, I’m not so sure I would do one quite as long again. Maybe a month (I loved the Gratitude project!) but a year is just too long for me now I think.

      Aquariums are hard (and thank you for the compliment) but I absolutely love photographing fish! I just found out a little bit ago that Toronto is building one so hopefully I’ll be getting some more practice time.

  • Reply
    12 Jan 2012 at 7:34 pm

    I forget how I found your website but I’m so glad I did. Your photography is amazing and I am inspired by how openly you share your life. I can totally relate to feeling overwhelmed by photography projects. Last year I tried to do way too many and I’m not sure I succeeded at any of them!

    • Reply
      16 Jan 2012 at 12:46 pm

      Thank you so much, Katherine! I’ve definitely attempted the 365 project before and failed miserably, I think I tried it two or three years in a row before I finally managed to stick to my guns. Doing another one the year after that was just insane for me. But even if we don’t “succeed” in the projects, at least we are taking photos and improving in that regard. Sometimes it’s okay to say, whoa, this was too much for me and to stop. I see you’re living in England! What a wonderful experience. Your photos remind me of Ireland. =)

  • Reply
    12 Jan 2012 at 1:31 pm

    I’m kinda confused here. I was a TOTAL Sonic the Hedgehog kid, too, but I don’t understand why that would make you want to eat a chili cheese dog?! Haha. Perhaps my memory just ain’t what it used to be…

    And real life LOLs over Pumpkin and Morn’s caption. 😀

    • Reply
      12 Jan 2012 at 1:35 pm

      Haha, my sister and I used to read/collect the Sonic The Hedgehog comics… and he LOVED chili dogs. He’d always go out of his way for any chili dog shop. =P

      (Soooo embarrassed right now!)

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