
Christmas Decorations, A New Tree, & Rochester In The Morning

It’s kind of weird seeing the Christmasy photos popping up in my digest of the Spurred project, as winter is the last thing on my mind right now. No ma’am, I’m ready for the warm weather that the weatherman has promised! Last night we had a thunderstorm (I believe it was actually Atlas’s first)- and instead of hiding like our other cats did during their first, he sat at the window and watched in curiosity. Of course he did.

Favorite My favorite photo of the bunch is “Cool”, because it was a struggle to get that sucker to stitch properly! I’m not that tall so to try and get a stich without changing the angle was a little hard!

Not So Much My least favorite is probably “News”, again because I just didn’t put that much effort into it. It could have been a lot better. I will always give kudos and totally respect those photographers who pump out an amazing work of art every day for an entire year.

Behind The Scenes Our awesome friends in Rochester have a crazy assortment of board games, and this really spurred on our board game obsession during Christmas. The photo for “Natural”, of board game Dead-End-Drive is a game we actually played. I was the cat and the old lady and in the end it was down to Tom and me. (I won.) It was so much fun!

Happy Friday! (Less than 30 days left on the Spurred project digest! What project should I do next?)

Everyday” Nov 26th (Day 330)

Atlas bathes us every day. I try not to let him bathe me because my hair is longer and I don’t want him to choke. Doesn’t stop him from trying though, the cutie.

Childhood” Nov 27th (Day 331)

My favorite is “The Snowman”.

Package Nov 28th (Day 332)

I pulled the Christmas decorations out of the box in which they were packed.
Stitched together from 8 images.

News” Nov 29th (Day 333)

Tom and I won NaNo!

Fun” Nov 30th (Day 334)

Someone clearly had fun poking around in the fireplace today.
Oh, Atlas, my little explorer.

Different” Dec 1st (Day 335)

I put up my old Christmas tree but the lights and a few branches had been damaged in the move across the border so after a few hours tearing my hair out trying to get it to work, we brought home a new one. We like it much better because it has pine cones!

Cool” Dec 2nd (Day 336)

We brought home a new (artificial) tree this year, but we re-used our older ornaments. I’ve always wanted to have three or four “themes” to rotate in between every year, and this is a very “cool” tree, so we’re thinking next year we’ll do warm tones: perhaps bronzes and reds.

Natural” Dec 3rd (Day 337)

In early December we went to visit friends we met online and spend the weekend at their apartment. It’s always scary at first, wondering if things will be different when you actually meet in person, but meeting these two was like meeting up with our best friends from junior high. As exciting and as natural as can be.

Grey” Dec 4th (Day 338)

A grey morning from our weekend in Rochester.

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  • Reply
    4 May 2012 at 6:36 pm

    Ahhh! 13 Dead End Drive! I absolutely love that game!

  • Reply
    4 May 2012 at 5:10 pm

    Your kitties are so funny! Our cats both like to groom us, too. It’s just about the cutest thing ever.

  • Reply
    4 May 2012 at 10:59 am

    That first picture is absolutely adorable! What a sweetheart!

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