Personal Words & Photos With Tom

The 4th of July

Hello again!

So, we don’t normally celebrate the fourth of July here in Canada, but since Sara is from the U.S. we decided to have a mini-celebration and light some sparklers and dress festively.

…Well, Sara dressed festively anyway. I’m the official party-pooper when it comes to festive dressing, usually just opting to wear whatever comes out of my closet on that particular day, much to my darling’s chagrin.

Honestly, if I didn’t like to give you a good variety of colouring to look at I probably would have made all of these Sepia toned because they looked really good. I realize Sepia is way, way out of style but I thought that some of these photos just jumped out with that tone.

Also, I apologize for the lack of variety in subject matter, but it was so dark that there wasn’t much else to take! I hope you enjoy them anyway.

Georgetown Portrait & Lifestyle Photographer
Milton Portrait & Lifestyle Photographer
Guelph Portrait & Lifestyle Photographer
Burlington Portrait & Lifestyle Photographer
Mississauga Portrait & Lifestyle Photographer
Oakville Portrait & Lifestyle Photographer

Plus two complimentary gifs!

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  • Reply
    24 Jul 2012 at 4:55 am

    these are great . I love how the sparkler stands out in Sepia.

  • Reply
    15 Jul 2012 at 7:34 am

    awesome, I love the bright sparkle

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