I find I don’t take many photographs outside in the winter, which I know I’ve already mentioned, and it’s mostly because I’m lazy, I think. I don’t want to get all bundled up, and I don’t want to freeze as I fumble for my camera buttons and mess with all the settings. And I definitely don’t want to worry about my camera getting too cold and then coming in from the heat in a plastic bag to thaw. All that said, I think I need to do it more often.
These are some lovely towels that Tom and I picked up. Just thought I’d share.

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16 Jan 2010 at 6:33 amThat’s one fat squirrel! I love the photos, it makes snow look endearing and charming rather than cold and a pain in the butt. haha. I also adore those towels!
16 Jan 2010 at 11:26 amThank you! Tom and I had been eying the towel set in the store since we moved, but we already had a set so we didn’t see the point in splurging- then my grandmother sent Christmas money with a request to spend it on something we wouldn’t normally.
Perfect! =)
16 Jan 2010 at 12:10 amI love taking photos in winter light – although if it’s too sunny it can be a little blinding.
I miss Ontario’s fat squirrels! And ground hogs! I’ve hardly even seen a little tiny red squirrel since we moved.
16 Jan 2010 at 11:25 amI think the people feed them around here, which is the only reason why he let me get so close. He was probably expecting something. =)