
The Post With Parenthesis

I’ll admit it, when everyone was stocking their grocery carts with non-perishables and gallons jugs of water, I had to hold back an eye-roll so intense it probably would’ve given me a seizure if I’d actually done it. I thought, “Puh, it will just be a little bit of snow.” (In my defense, our local weather folk have been huffing and puffing the last three years about “intense storms”, and then nothing ends up happening.) Well, I woke up to snow. Lots of it. And it wasn’t until I got stuck on the off-ramp from THE HIGHWAY that I finally admitted how bad it was. They had to close entire exit and entry ramps here just to plow it fast enough. It was awesome. It’s been ages since there was a storm like this. Cars parked on the street were covered up to their windows in snow (ours included)!

The storm wasn’t the only exciting thing to happen this week. I also picked up an EOS film camera off a photographer who turns out to be a) awesome and b) live about four blocks from me, cut me some fringe (my forehead was just LOOMING at me, I couldn’t take it anymore. You could fit a second face on there, seriously), and got some new specs. (What do you think? Despite compliments from friends I’ve been very nervous about them because they are very very different from spec shape I’ve had for the last 10+ years, but I love their winking-at-the-1920’s round style and keyhole shape bridge. I think maybe I’m just not used to them on my face yet. Everyone else seems to love them! Either that or they’re all lying to me. Either way I’m grateful.)

A friend said once that parenthesis was more like sharing secrets then afterthoughts, and I couldn’t agree more. Somehow parenthesis makes the text inside feel whispered, like I’m letting you in on something I wouldn’t normally share. (Shh.)

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  • Reply
    20 Feb 2013 at 10:14 am

    Hey Sarah…when do we get some hair videos w/ your shoulder length hair w/ bangs?? So few of them on youtube!!! I love your gibson tuck video! Eagerly waiting a new one…

    Freezing in Michigan!

    • Reply
      22 Feb 2013 at 8:54 am

      Hi Tracy! My hair isn’t quite shoulder length and it’s pretty hard to do anything beyond a small ponytail, but I’ll go ahead and see what I can come up with for you! I tried a faux sock bun look this morning, so maybe I’ll share that.

  • Reply
    18 Feb 2013 at 12:23 pm

    I love the glasses, Sara! I’ll admit I’m not the biggest fan of oversized glasses, but I think those suit you perfectly. You look beautiful!

    I love the photos of you and Tom each holding onto the gate. So subtle and so sweet. You two amaze me, honestly!

    • Reply
      22 Feb 2013 at 8:59 am

      Thank you! I was very worried too about the glasses, but I really wanted to try these- when I saw them I fell in love (round, keyhole, UH) but I thought to myself- there’s no way I’d pull those off. I’m so glad I tried!

      (I love the gate photos too, it was hard not to choose those for our project that week.)

  • Reply
    16 Feb 2013 at 2:45 pm

    Mmm, that coffee looks so tasty and perfect. I had doubts about the storm too. I think people here in Grand Rapids (MI) overreacted a bit, but our neighborhood was definitely a slippery mess. My neighbors helped dig me out on the way to work! haha

    • Reply
      18 Feb 2013 at 10:04 am

      I can’t believe you’re only two hours from Traverse City and we’ve never had a meet up before! I would LOVE to photograph you. (In a non-creepy way!)

  • Reply
    13 Feb 2013 at 11:49 am

    All gorgeous! Jealous of the snow, your glasses are beautiful, your hair is beautiful… 😀

    • Reply
      14 Feb 2013 at 9:25 am

      Aww shucks, girlie. Thanks. =)

  • Reply
    12 Feb 2013 at 1:31 pm

    Love the new specs! They *are* 1920s–very Mary Russell.

    I also agree with the fringe thing; I’ve grown mine out a few times and my forehead always feels big and naked.

    You pictures of snow come out so beautifully. What do you do to avoid the blinding white feeling? Your snow just looks soft and lovely.

    • Reply
      18 Feb 2013 at 8:55 am

      Thanks Melissa! To avoid the blowout-white-is-way-too-bright snow, I just add a haze over my picture. (Add a new layer, make it gray, and then simply adjust the opacity to 8% or something small. There’s probably lots of different ways to do that, but that’s how I do mine. It just brings that brightness down a touch.) I hope that helps!

      • Reply
        21 Feb 2013 at 1:21 pm

        Thanks for the tip! I’ll definitely have to try it out!

  • Reply
    12 Feb 2013 at 6:30 am

    love the new glasses & the snow looks amazing!

    • Reply
      14 Feb 2013 at 5:02 pm

      Thanks, Vickie!

  • Reply
    Jade Sheldon
    11 Feb 2013 at 11:41 pm

    I think your new specks are adorable!

    And I totally hear you on the forehead front! I oftentimes feel the same way.

    PS: Your pin it button is so cute!

    • Reply
      14 Feb 2013 at 5:37 pm

      Thank you, Jade! I made it myself… I tried to keep it photography related but the cat in the font I was using was just oh-too-cute.

      And I have a love hate relationship with my forehead, haha, but that’s a story for another time.

  • Reply
    11 Feb 2013 at 11:22 pm

    I really like the glasses! and your fringe is super cute too

    • Reply
      14 Feb 2013 at 5:47 pm

      Thanks, Sheri!

  • Reply
    11 Feb 2013 at 9:18 pm

    I’ve read some article says that there are a number of picture styles which can be used when shooting in modes such as manual, aperture and shutter priority. The creative control modes can only be used as their own independent modes, but you can increase or decrease the level of their affect.

  • Reply
    11 Feb 2013 at 8:41 pm

    You lucky duck!
    We got jipped out of our snow here. We got a couple inches and then nearly all of it was melted by the next day. Although we’ve had a little more snow this year than last year (none), I still would’ve liked a bit more.
    Go enjoy it while you can!

    • Reply
      14 Feb 2013 at 5:52 pm

      It’s pretty much melted by now, but at least we did have some fun with it while it was here. We didn’t have any snow last year either so it was a nice change to at least get dumped on a little bit. I never thought when I moved here that I’d a) miss snow as much as I do or b) not have any snow in TORONTO. Haha. Life’s funny like that!

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