
Watching The Rain

These were taken last Thursday, after I’d spent most of the day caught in the thunderstorm. Oh how I wish Pumpkin was in focus. Oh well, you win some you lose some.

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  • Reply
    Melania Brescia
    29 Nov 2010 at 1:09 pm

    This is perfect!

  • Reply
    Jade Sheldon
    23 Sep 2010 at 10:56 pm


    Raindrops and Kitties… don’t think things can get much better than that 🙂

  • Reply
    23 Sep 2010 at 5:56 pm

    These are such gorgeous, and simultaneously adorable pictures.

  • Reply
    23 Sep 2010 at 9:13 am

    I think they are quite lovely, even without the super sharp focus on pumpkin. The wonder and interest is still very very apparent! Loves!

  • Reply
    23 Sep 2010 at 9:07 am

    Great series! I’m with Dani–I especially like the second shot.

  • Reply
    23 Sep 2010 at 8:35 am

    I love the second one the most. You and Pumpkin have such a sense of wonder on your faces.

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