
Ways to Recycle Used Coffee Grounds

According to CBS News, “More than 50 percent of Americans drink coffee everyday – three to four cups each, more than 330 million cups a day and counting.” That’s a lot of coffee and a lot of used coffee grounds that usually get thrown out. It seems like a waste for something so useful, so here are a few ways to recycle your used coffee grounds. (Or if you’re like me and don’t drink coffee, you can recycle your husband’s.)

Fertilizing Frenzy
Plants and vegetables adore used coffee grounds (especially roses). You can also grow mushrooms using moist coffee grounds. Just put your grounds into a glass container and plop in a mushroom plug, adding more grounds and plugs until it’s full!

Garden Guardian
You can sprinkle used coffee grounds over your garden to keep away pests, cats who use your garden as a litter box, and other bugs, slugs, and snails lurking about.

If you put your used coffee grounds into an old nylon or cheese cloth and hang it in your closet or near the litter box, you’ll be surprised at the sudden lack of smell. This also works if your cheesebox/refridger/freezer smells due to stored foods.

Used coffee grounds work great for stubborn grease and stains on pots and pans. And if you add a touch of coffee grounds to your sink and pour boiling water in after them, your stinky sink won’t be quite as stinky anymore.

This is one Tom and I use often! If you have a fireplace, try sprinkling your used coffee grounds on the ashen area before you sweep it up. It prevents the dust from flying out everywhere when you’re trying to clean up.

Floor & Furniture
Used coffee grounds can be used as a wood stain! Allow them to soak in a small amount of water overnight (or hot water for a shorter period), then drain. The amount of water you use will determine how dark the stain is. This works fantastically for touch ups to mahogany (or other dark furniture).

An egg white mixed with 1/4 cup grounds makes a great exfoliating face mask.

After washing your hair, rub in some of those used coffee grounds for shine, softness, and even a bit of color and highlights. Be warned if you do this often enough on light hair it can darken it.

Mix one tablespoon of olive oil with 1/4 cup moist, warm coffee grounds and spread on cellulite hot spots. Wrap tightly with plastic wrap, leave on for a few minutes, and then remove wrap and shower as normal. For best results, do a couple times a week.

Just like using the grounds in your hair will leave it silky smooth, this also works on pets! Also, it makes a great flea repellant for your canine friendlies.

Use a mix of coffee grounds and water to dye clothing, paper, or even Easter eggs.

Make homemade temporary tattoos using coffee grounds and henna.

Even if you don’t drink coffee you can ask your local coffee shops and other places that serve coffee for their grounds and start reusing them. The environment will thank you!

Do you use your grounds in a way I didn’t cover? Let me know!

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  • Reply
    13 Aug 2010 at 6:14 pm

    Suzi and I must have a psychic connection. I am also doing the “no-poo” thing. And I love the “no-poo” name. But I am a sucker for poo jokes.

  • Reply
    13 Aug 2010 at 1:50 pm

    Thank you so much for posting this! I think your page may have just saved my hair! lol… I’ve been trying the “no-poo” thing lately. I’ve pretty much only been using baking soda and apple cider vinegar. It’s working much better than I’d expected, but I get a lot of sun (living in Waikiki) and the ‘softness’ is really lacking.

    Thanks again! -suzi

    • Reply
      13 Aug 2010 at 5:46 pm

      Suzi, no problem! Also, honey and coconut oil is supposed to help your hair with softness and luster. =D

  • Reply
    14 Dec 2009 at 6:38 pm

    BRILLIANT! This is totally my bag, darling.

    They’re particularly fantastic to use on the garden.

    So happy to see a post like this!!!


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