Personal Words & Photos With Tom

We Have More Than Just Parks

Most of the pictures I took of our general area to show you nice folks were of suburbs and forest paths. Looking back, I realized this may have given you the impression that we live in some sort of suburban forest wonderland, which is not the case. I hoped to show you the more urban side of where we live with these photos.

It was actually really, really weird taking these because when I was a kid, this whole area had one big shopping mall (Which was not even a quarter the size that it is now.) and a bunch of greenery surrounding it. Now the only greenery you’ll see are trees planted in small holes in the sidewalk and planters surrounded by concrete.

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  • Reply
    23 Sep 2012 at 9:35 pm

    Your area is so CLEAN and NEAT! It’s beautiful 🙂

  • Reply
    21 Sep 2012 at 11:55 pm

    What neat buildings. Are those apartments?

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