Personal Words & Photos With Tom

We Have Suburbs

When I was a kid the mailboxes for houses were right up by the front door, which caused me to grow up thinking that it really made the most sense for that to be where the mailbox was. As I grew up and the area we live in now got bigger and bigger, they started making these big mailbox hubs somewhere out on the street akin to something you would have traditionally seen in an apartment building.

I’ve never been a fan of them, and although I’m sure it makes it much easier for postal workers, it makes it more of a hassle for homeowners to get their mail, (Which, of course, is why I don’t like them.) but I’m not a postal worker either, so I suppose that I’m biased.

The other thing that’s really been on the rise here is row housing. It’s something that until 5-8 years ago I had only seen pictures of in Europe, but now it’s become almost the standard for a townhouse. You see row housing in a place like Dublin, Ireland because they are strapped for space. We aren’t, Canada having one of the lowest population densities in the world, so the fact that housing developers have decided to create row housing simply to maximize profits is annoying at best.

Anyway, despite all of that, it still manages to look half-decent. (Though a bit ‘same-y’) There are also some pictures from that conservation area I posted about last time, including some graffiti featuring the “Problem?” trollface, which made me laugh.

I hope you enjoy the photos!

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  • Reply
    11 Sep 2012 at 1:10 pm

    Although I am in Texas, where we have big houses and big yards and more space than we know what to do with, my neighborhood still has shared mailboxes. This is the first time I’ve had to deal with that, and I really dislike it! My neighborhood has a few clusters of boxes spread throughout, but I remember as a kid some of my friends’ neighborhoods having only one cluster–for 200 or more mailboxes! Most houses were not within easy walking distance.

    I only have to walk a few minutes to get my mail, but most of my neighbors drive to theirs, even though I am the last house on the street to use that hub and therefore am the furthest from it!

    However, my main annoyance is that we are forced to carry a key to the mailbox! I have lost mine more than once (usually someone’s pants pocket) and had to let my mail stack up in the box for weeks at a time until finding the key.

    I did not intend to leave such a long comment about mailboxes, so please forgive me! The photos are beautiful as always and, besides the cluster of mailboxes, I think your neighborhood looks very nice. Beautiful landscaping!

  • Reply
    1 Sep 2012 at 1:35 am

    looks like a lovely place. I think terrace houses can look pretty but I’m sure most people would prefer windows on both sides of their house.
    And your talk of mail boxes made me think about how I’ve grown up without a post box full stop, we walk to the post office for our mail. 🙂

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