
Good Morning, Ireland

Here are some final detail shots that I particularly liked from the Blackrock area of County Dublin. Almost all the doors in Dublin are a vibrant shade, whether that’s blue or red or yellow, it’s bound to be bold and stand out. The majority of the doorknobs are in the middle of the door too, which was really hard for me to imagine before I saw them. Almost all the doors we ran into used real skeleton keys (be still my beating heart) along with a few other keys, as well. And inside Dublin the bus system was absolutely incredible. The Toronto system doesn’t even hold a candle to it. Can you believe you pay your fare based on where you’re going? That’s fabulous! The other thing I really thought was interesting was that words or instructions are often written on the road itself. My favorite was “SLOW”, “SLOWER”, “EVEN SLOWER”. It brings a smile to my face just thinking about it!





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  • Reply
    7 Dec 2012 at 9:51 am

    Thankyou for these. I have lived in Ireland for 15 years and no longer see it’s beauty (infact, I’m ‘over Ireland’ , I can’t wait to return to my home country). BUT, It’s great to see parts of the country that I’m familiar with through a new set of eyes. You have taken the ordinary and made it extra-ordinary 😀

  • Reply
    31 Dec 2010 at 6:25 am

    Sara, we also have ‘Dead Slow’ on the most treacherous roads – no kidding. ^_^

    Ireland is one of my most favourite places to visit. Thank you for sharing these photos, and for reminding me of its beauty.

  • Reply
    30 Dec 2010 at 9:33 pm

    These pictures are fabulous, how odd about the keyholes too! And, of course, the napping kitty is an insta-fave.

    Now you’ve got me wondering what the bus system in Toronto must be like, though! Isn’t it only natural that you pay based on where you’re going? Does Toronto transit just have one flat fee? Insane. And mind boggling!

    • Reply
      31 Dec 2010 at 1:00 am

      Yes we do! Though we do get a ticket in return that’s good for two or three hours, so if you get a bus on the way home or you need to take another subway or bus you’re in the clear. It’s a pain if you’re only on for ten or fifteen minutes though. =\

  • Reply
    30 Dec 2010 at 8:42 pm

    It’s fun what you pick out as exciting about the place I’m used to *g* (Though I’ve never been to Blackrock – it looks lovely in your pictures!) I’ve also seen that series of painted commands finish with “slowest”!

    The bulky keys are called ward keys, I think – skeleton keys are variants that open multiple locks, whereas those keys are for single locks. They’re not very secure but they look nice. I used to have jars of them at home because my dad worked in a lock factory. /random

    • Reply
      31 Dec 2010 at 12:49 am

      Oh my goodness, that’s such a fantastic little tidbit about the keys! We also saw the “Slowest”! when we were in Galway! I think it’s so clever that they have words on the road.

  • Reply
    30 Dec 2010 at 7:02 pm

    I just love the keys and the door pictures

  • Reply
    30 Dec 2010 at 3:30 pm

    Even slower? That’s fantastic.

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