
Goodbye Toronto, Hello Philadelphia

After discovering I was, in fact, brave enough to whip out the camera in the first class lounge, I didn’t hesitate to take photos on the plane ride either. Since the flight was only roughly an hour, we didn’t have time to watch a long movie, but we wanted to take advantage of the first class amenities, so we watched a documentary on Einstein. (Which was awesome.) I guess it may seem a little silly to be photographing in-flight food and orange juice, but it’s these little things I know I’ll want to remember when I’m sixty. Like that there was a maple leaf on the bottom of the glasses, that I giggled when the flight attendant spoke in French, and how shocked I was that they no longer gesture you through the plane safety instructions like they used to. (It’s all on video now.)



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  • Reply
    7 Dec 2010 at 8:43 pm

    Ohhh that second to last photo is somethin’ else! The colors are amazing.

    And I hear ya on the ravenous shooting of seemingly pointless subjects. When we were in Thailand I was shooting away on every bus, train or plane we rode in, whether it was actually interesting or just a Kit Kat bar I paid way too much for. 😛

  • Reply
    7 Dec 2010 at 9:34 am

    Ditto Diana. 🙂 I tried to take plane shots last time I flew, which was to Orlando last October, but I didn’t have my fancy camera, and they didn’t turn out as nice as this. I love that flight attendant. She seems to thrilled to be there. Haha.

  • Reply
    7 Dec 2010 at 8:46 am

    I love your photos so much Sara 🙂

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