I tend to save photos of Tom and I in certain areas for the very ends of posts, or sections, but then sometimes it ends up just being a whole bunch of Tom and I before we leave to a new area. (Sorry about that!) Tom took some really amazing photos of Ireland, and one of these days I’ll have to do a feature post of just his photos. He’s better than I was when I first picked up a camera, that’s for sure. Well, I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend; I’m starting to feel better but poor Tom has caught the flu while taking care of me and has been in bed for a few days. Lots of cuddling and sleeping (and marathoning TV shows) going on over here. But at least we’re together!
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1 Comment
Sarah Nice
4 Mar 2011 at 5:46 pmI wish I could be as good at creating my blog as I am photography. Teaching myself how to do this is hard work. Everything looks so terrible right now.