
US Airways First Class Lounge

There was quite the difference between the Air Canada lounge and the US Airways International lounge. (On the way back we stayed in the US Airways Domestic lounge and while it wasn’t as spiffy as the International, it was still pretty awesome.) Notice the BMW has been replaced with Porsche? Mayday, mayday! I think we’ve breeched the higher class. I say that because while I was excited and on a super high about going to Ireland and photo-documenting every second, the friendly people interested in what I was doing were gone. People didn’t really notice me here, except for one, and that my friends, was a maid. A maid who approached me while I was photographing food and very rudely asked me “what I thought” I was doing. Normally I would be okay to respond, but she was so rude and abrupt and she said it while in the middle of answering a question of a man who looked remarkably like Bruce Willis (whom I met in person once so I knew it wasn’t him) and so he was staring at me waiting for my response, could barely choke out, “I’m a passenger.” (Holy run on sentence!) I think she thought I was from the press or a journalist or something, but either way, I returned to my seat after that and died of embarrassment. I was done taking photos anyway otherwise I would have shown her who was boss! (Okay, maybe not, but I really was done.) And now I’m sharing the story with you. Because it’s humorous. At least I thought so.


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  • Reply
    9 Dec 2010 at 1:36 pm

    You need to tell a ass that they are an ass when you are confrounted with such rudness.
    Next time tell him/her to get stuffed.

  • Reply
    9 Dec 2010 at 11:18 am

    *shudder* Yes when you cross from Canada to the US, the airport staff are drastically different. -_-

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