
Brunch in Valerie’s Secret Garden

Most of the meals we had in the first few days while visiting family were in the evening under low light conditions. While I definitely took photos of those moments too (for safe keeping) I wanted to share the photos from the “send off” breakfast we had before leaving Dublin and heading for the west side of Ireland (Galway, Clare, Mayo). The vegetarian casserole that Tom’s great aunt Valerie made was so delicious. In fact, while I’m talking about his family and vegetarian dishes, I just wanted to say that their family went out of their way to make me feel so welcome and at home. There were so many vegetarian options at every meal, and while a few members of his family are vegetarian, those that weren’t even made sure to include a dish for me. (I’m almost drooling while thinking of some fried pancakes we had at a dinner… so good.)

The food in Ireland was so good and I think that’s mostly because everything is fresh and organic. The spuds they give you are from their backyard. It really made both Tom and I reevaluate food and where we shop once we came home. Life is too short not to enjoy something you do three times a day, every day.




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  • Reply
    4 Jan 2011 at 1:50 pm

    “Life is too short not to enjoy something you do three times a day, every day.”

    A-freakin’-men! Though I’m not impervious to the occasional craving, I’m amazed by what utter trash people so willingly stuff down their gullets. It’s crazy how even being on some sort of “healthy diet” doesn’t seem to help! In college, I witnessed vegans, veggies and omnis alike consume the most horrid garbage. Just another reason to live simply, so you’ll have more wiggle room to load up on good eats.

    Okay, ranting aside – I’m soooo happy you started posting about your honeymoon again! Ever since I found out Ireland is super Celiac-friendly country I’ve been on a Google bender and waiting with baited breath for these posts to come back, hehe. So, keep ’em coming! I hope there’s more food to witness, too.

    And one final note that isn’t particularly related – I’ve noticed that there are hotkeys on your blog for viewing pages, and maybe I’m in the minority here of folks who use the left and right arrow keys while writing/editing comments but whenever I use them in the comment box it starts to load the previous post and poof! My comment disappears and I have to desperately remember what the heck I was ranting about. Just thought I’d throw that out there, in case I’m not the only buffoon.

    Ok. I’ll stop abusing your comments page now. 🙂

  • Reply
    Martina Egli
    4 Jan 2011 at 1:25 pm

    That’s a beautiful set of food photography! Focus, lighting and composition are fabulous in every image. Great work!

  • Reply
    Sarah Nice
    4 Jan 2011 at 9:58 am

    How do you always get the perfect lighting in your photos? I use a Canon Rebel, but I can never master the lighting for most indoor shots, which frustrates me so. Is there a setting in the camera itself that I should use? Your photos are just so crisp and clear and bright. I envy that. In a good way, of course. ; ]

    And I absolutely adore Ireland. Beautiful shots. I’m in awe.
    -Sarah, My Life, on Repeat

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