Three cats? That’s what I was thinking as we left the batch of kittens last week. Tom and I have both been quoted saying that we’d never take home another cat because two was plenty, yadda yadda yadda. And that’s what were we saying as we held the kittens rescued by Toronto Cat Rescue. We spent about forty minutes with them but kept coming back to, three cats? Well, we went home and thought about it. And thought about it. And thought about it some more. The last thing we wanted is to take any attention away from our two boys, but Morn does like to play more than Pumpkin and Pumpkin likes to cuddle in a dog pile of people and fur… I’ve lived in a house with four cats before and even with all our space it was a little crowded, but three we could handle. Tom was sure that it would be okay, and that he’d fit right in and the boys would welcome him readily (after adjusting of course), but I was a little more hesitant. Then I logged on to the Toronto Cat Rescue website and read his story, I cried like a two year old, and told Tom it was okay and that we could adopt him.
Here is a lucky little boy who narrowly escaped tragedy. He was rescued from a home after the husband in a drunken fit kicked the kitten against a wall and badly injured him. He was rushed by a TCR volunteer to the vet where he stayed under observation for many days. Luckily nothing was broken and he rebounded from his terrible start at life to become a totally sweet, loving kitten. He is so happy to be held and loves to play. He purrs instantly and seeks out human attention. Help him find a home.
He has an upper respiratory infection, which I know I mentioned, but we knew that adopting him. The entire lot of kittens wouldn’t stop sneezing (some more than others) and if you aren’t a cat person- a URI (kennel cough) can be really really serious in kittens. If you do adopt a kitten who’s sneezing a bit, be sure to take him to a vet right away. If you wait too long it could be fatal. But he’s on medication, and though he’s still sneezing, his fever is gone, he’s wheeze-free and his nose is no longer crusted. We take turns spending at least twenty minutes with him every hour or so and I’ve taken to reading him, “The Princess Bride” for about an hour before bed time every day. Since it’s super contagious he has to stay quarantined in the bathroom for five more days (twelve total) and we have to strip down before we go in and see him. It’s a little crazy when you have to pee, but worth it in the end to ensure Pumpkin and Morn aren’t rubbing up against infected kitty fur. He’s extremely well behaved for a kitten (bathroom curtains are fine, toilet paper rolls are untouched, toothbrushes, etc.) and he’s super playful, affectionate, and is constantly exploring and purring. We named him Atlas.
Please excuse these horrible bathroom-lighting photos, he is still quarantined after all. =(

18 Mar 2012 at 7:44 amAll of your cats are so beautiful, and hopefully I don’t offend Morn by saying beautiful instead of handsome…
If I may ask, what kind of cats are they?
Morn and Pumkin seem like they both have similar eyes, so I’m thinking they are the same breed.
Also, I haven’t read too much of your blog yet, but I would love to read more.
18 Mar 2012 at 12:31 pmHi Rachel, thanks for visiting! All of our cats were rescues, so we’re not 100% on any of the breeds (except for Atlas). Morn and Pumpkin are both American shorthair cats- Morn’s a “buff” and Pumpkin’s a ginger tabby.
And Atlas had a Turkish Van mum and an american short hair papa!
2 Sep 2011 at 12:43 pmHey there! I just came across your blog via many other blogs…I’m officially obsessed. and your hair color is incredible, by the way. 🙂
Your kitties are soooo precious! How has introducing them to eachother been? We have one amazing little kitty, and he is soooo friendly with the other neighbor cats, and we want to get him a companion (really regretting not adopting one of his brothers when we adopted him in the first place!). I’ve read this whole ordeal about introducing your cats and how it takes days and days and weeks and weeks for some…it just seems crazy. What do you recommend, since you seem like a veteran at this by now? 🙂
Thanks! Your photography is just gorgeous.
2 Sep 2011 at 1:13 pmHey Melody! First of all, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment. =)
I started to respond to your kitty question in this comment but then it was far too long so I decided to email it to the address you used for your comment. I hope that’s okay!
Sweet Harvest Moon
22 Aug 2011 at 2:40 pmCutest picture ever (the one attacking your carmera strap) 🙂
22 Aug 2011 at 6:44 amso lovely. look out, pumpkin will be extremely jealous!
20 Aug 2011 at 2:15 amsooo precious, i love his little tongue :p
12 Aug 2011 at 8:43 amSara! Your blog and your photos are a treat I’m going to indulge in daily! And Atlas? Just stop it. Seriously. Stop it. Too much cute!
Happy Friday,
Debra 🙂
12 Aug 2011 at 7:34 amargh it makes me so mad that someone could have done that to that ridiculously cute kitten!
his little tongue!
10 Aug 2011 at 1:34 pmOh man, that is one CUTE kitty! There is no way I would’ve been able to resist him either. I miss having cats something fierce — maybe someday when we move into a bigger place I’ll adopt a wee orange fellow too.
8 Aug 2011 at 10:36 amI know I’m a bit off the subject but I’ve always wanted to know: is the Princess Bride book as good as the movie?
10 Aug 2011 at 4:18 pmI’d say it is. The book has a lot more of what’s going on outside the story, and understandably the movie had to cut that out when it adapted for the screen. The book is also hilarious. It’s a little slower-paced than the film. Worth a read if you’re a fan of the movie, and probably also if you’re not.
Jessica Johnson
8 Aug 2011 at 12:58 amThat face!
8 Aug 2011 at 12:02 amoowwwnnn what a cute kittyy!!!
sara, do you remember that i sent you an email asking about your actions???
that i asked you how do you call a "bench" (i'll never forget it ^__^)??
so, my sister bought me your actions, and i just wanna say that they ROCK!! I'm addicted to them!!!
thanks a lot for sharing your knowledge
7 Aug 2011 at 8:57 pmoh! with those eyes, how could you resist!?!
Congrats to you on your new family member and I’m happy for the little guy that he has such a nice home.
Also just realized (since I”m new here) that we’re both in Toronto, whoo hoo!
Hope you had a nice weekend with all the rain…
7 Aug 2011 at 4:08 amYOU CRAZY CAT PEOPLE YOU *jealous*
6 Aug 2011 at 11:29 pmI’ve been following your blog for a while now (albeit quietly), but I just had to comment on this one! I’m so happy that there are people like you and Tom who take these animals into their homes, giving them an opportunity for a wonderful life. When we got one of our dogs, he came to us in a similar condition, and I really feel that he truly appreciates the life he leads now, after all these years. I hope Atlas settles in well! 🙂
6 Aug 2011 at 8:55 pmwhat a little cutie! congratulations on your new addition!
6 Aug 2011 at 8:33 pmSo cute! I love how your kitties are all orange. It makes me miss my little orange one I had when I was a young girl. Such a sweetie! I hope he feels better soon.
6 Aug 2011 at 7:37 pmhow freakin’ cute is he??? what an adorable little addition to your family!!
6 Aug 2011 at 7:17 pmHe’s adorable!! Yay for adopting him!
6 Aug 2011 at 6:58 pmThat story of poor Atlas broke my heart, but I’m so happy that you and your hubby are so sweet to take him in. He’s such a sweet little thing!
6 Aug 2011 at 5:09 pmI have been anxiously awaiting this post for days! He is so adorable. He will look so cute with the other two kitties!
The story made me squirm. What a lucky guy to have found a home with you two.
I LOVE the name Atlas!
6 Aug 2011 at 3:48 pmThe two of you are such good parents and I think Atlas is going to fit in perfectly. I’m so glad he is getting well! He is DARLING. Makes me that much more eager to get another. I can’t wait to see how he interacts with Morn and Pumpkin!
6 Aug 2011 at 2:59 pmAtlas! The explorer! I love it! Hope everything goes as smooth as possible when it’s time to meet his roommates! Congrats you Guys! 🙂
6 Aug 2011 at 2:56 pmWe’re 3 cats family and I’ve finally reached my limit. Haha. Atlas is adorable. Congrats.
6 Aug 2011 at 2:58 pmYeah, this is it for us too, but I was surprised by how many people on Twitter responding saying they had three cats. It was more than I realized! It’s part of what made us relax a little about the decision. (And thank you!)
6 Aug 2011 at 2:43 pmIs he really a fox in kitty fur? Sweet as pie!
6 Aug 2011 at 2:56 pmHe does look a little foxy now that you mention it! He is super sweet.
6 Aug 2011 at 2:35 pmWhat a little cutie! I’m glad he found such a nice home 🙂
6 Aug 2011 at 2:56 pmThank you! We hope that after all he’s been through we can just spoil him rotten.
6 Aug 2011 at 2:33 pmWoo! Welcome home, Atlas! 🙂
6 Aug 2011 at 2:55 pmI’m so glad he’s home but so frustrated that his first kitten photos are in terrible bathroom light. -_-
Oh, /photographerwhine