Places Thomas & Sara

Credit Valley Explorer

First of all, thanks everyone for the wonderful comments left on our anniversary project post, I can’t wait to share more photos with you this weekend! For our anniversary weekend, Tom and I took a three hour autumn color tour train ride on the Credit Valley Explorer. Included was a light vegetarian, vegan, or omnivorous lunch with refreshments, colorful vistas, and a stop in a charming little town called Inglewood. We were the youngest couple on the train, but we certainly weren’t the only ones celebrating our anniversary. The couple across from us was on year 30, and next to us were two couples going on fifty years together! Tom and I always seem to pick things that older generations like to do when we go out, and the whole experience had me wondering what is it exactly that couples in our generation normally do, and what about for special occasions? It’s no secret that my idea of a hanky-pank time on a Friday night is video games or an intimate gathering with board games and Euchre. (Hey, at least I didn’t say Bridge. Not that there’s anything wrong with Bridge. But, you know, wouldn’t that just be a little too “stereotypical”?) All in all, we had a fabulous time and I’m officially hooked on the idea of a cross country train ride in the near future.

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  • Reply
    15 Oct 2012 at 6:10 am

    Lovely anniversary idea indeed!
    It should have been a nice trip. I like the fall colours and you look gorgeous in the gif. Plus, your colours (the hair, the coat, the scarf and the shoes) match perfectly with the environment. Really nice!

  • Reply
    13 Oct 2012 at 7:43 pm

    Lovely! My boy and I take trains whenever we can – love it. And, we also do ballroom dancing where the average age of the other people at the studio is probably about 55. 😉 I agree with Meagan – older folks know where it’s at.

    Happy Anniversary!

  • Reply
    11 Oct 2012 at 7:50 am

    sounds like an awesome way to spend a day 🙂

    gorgeous photos – the autumn colour is wonderful

  • Reply
    10 Oct 2012 at 9:12 pm

    People make fun of me all the time for being a knitter, sewer, baker, cat lover and tea drinker and call me an old lady but I always say the old folks have been on this planet for much longer so they know where it’s at!

    Happy Anniversary!

  • Reply
    10 Oct 2012 at 7:38 pm

    Happy Anniversary, you guys! The train ride looks amazing. In our hometown there’s the Dunsmuir Dinner Train that goes through the mountains of Northern California — Chris and I always wanted to do it, but back when we were younger it was always out of budget. I feel like I’m living vicariously through you guys. 🙂

    And I’m just as clueless about what people our generation do for special occasions. Lately Chris and I have been planning major trips in the general time around our actual anni (SF two years ago, Paris this year, Iceland next!). Then, when it’s our actual anniversary we don’t do anything besides go out for dinner and a movie ‘cos we’re broke. 😉 But that way, we figure, is a lot nicer than both of us constantly worrying what to buy each other every year. Anniversary gifts are kinda silly, unless it’s like the big 2-0 or 5-0 or whatever!

    I think the problem for me with nailing down what 20-somethings do for their anni is that I don’t actually know many 20-somethings that are married!

  • Reply
    10 Oct 2012 at 7:38 pm

    What gorgeous photos! That sounds right up my alley. I would love to do something like that. Nature is always so perfect.

  • Reply
    10 Oct 2012 at 5:48 pm

    Happy anniversary! : ) That trip looks just too lovely. We tend to do “old people” things for fun and celebration too. I have to echo your question, what DO couples in our generation do?

  • Reply
    Jade Sheldon
    10 Oct 2012 at 2:44 pm

    Haha! Cory and I are the same way! We are always going to museums, tours and historical homes that most 20 somethings would find to be a snore. We love it though. We love going to beautiful places that have a history.

    • Reply
      10 Oct 2012 at 5:46 pm

      Yes, but what is it that most 20 somethings do on a romantic outing? How is a train ride color not romantic?! (Haha, at least I think it is!)

      I love viewing castles or old places too- I’d love to hit up new england sometime and just go through the old cemetaries.

  • Reply
    10 Oct 2012 at 12:28 pm

    These photos are absolutely gorgeous! That trip looks like so much fun.

    • Reply
      10 Oct 2012 at 5:42 pm

      It was! (And thank you so much about the photos.) I can’t wait to go on another train ride. I’m hoping that maybe next year we can do a longer ride maybe across Canada.

  • Reply
    10 Oct 2012 at 8:05 am

    Wish we had such jolly rides here where I live. Looks like a lot of fun.
    Reminds me of those almost week long UK cross country trains. Personally, I would rather spend a week in such tour train that on the beach, especially now when autumn is “in bloom”. As seen in your photos. Super!

    • Reply
      10 Oct 2012 at 11:03 am

      It was a lot of fun. We both love trains (Which is kind of random, but we’re not complaining.) so it was a great little trip for us to take.

      There are some really nice trains here that you can actually take on cross-Canada tours that last for 2 weeks. On the train they have your own private room and bed and there’s a meal service and drinks room.

      The only problem is that said tour is super expensive.

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