The Whisketeers

A Walk With Morn

A few weeks ago I took Sara for a walk. The last time I went out, the four of us went together and I guided Tom and Pumpkin was supposed to guide Sara, except that he got too scared and in the end Tom and I went outside while Sara held a trembling Pumpkin who watched from behind a window. I gave him a really hard time about it but I could see why it was a little scary this time.

We waited in the lobby of the apartment and I just watched outside for a bit. There were lots of people coming and going and it was pretty windy, too.

I’ll admit, I was pretty scared at first.

But I got comfortable pretty fast.

After ten minutes or so I was tuckered out and ready to head back inside.

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  • Reply
    9 Jul 2011 at 2:38 pm

    Absolutely adorable! None of my cats would ever be coaxed into a harness. It’s nice to see Morn out exploring ^_^

  • Reply
    9 Jul 2011 at 1:59 pm

    Aww, sounds like Morn has a good time. I love it when people take cats out for walks. I wish I’d trained mine to do so.

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