The Whisketeers Words & Photos With Tom

Atlas the…

Atlas the Explorer DESTROYER

Don’t let his cute, innocent little face fool you. Atlas is the most destructive force in our home.

The first day we brought Atlas home (Or as I like to call it: Cordpocalypse.) we knew that he would be a handful. Most kittens are. They need a lot of attention and they are extremely curious, usually getting themselves into quite a bit of trouble before they’re fully grown. This trait is what led to us calling him Atlas the Explorer; however there’s only one problem. Atlas likes to explore everything using his teeth.

I present to you Exhibit A:

This was once a lovely part of a surround sound system we used for our entertainment centre in the living room.

Exhibit B:

This is a cord leading to a power-bar that is mostly hidden under the cat tree, but the exposed part was thoroughly ‘explored’ as you can see.

Realizing Atlas’ penchant for cords, we took some protective measures for our wireless router, as it can’t be moved from out in the open.

However, being the smart kitten that he is, he decided to start ‘exploring’ some of the other entities in the house.

Exhibit C:

Exhibit D:

Exhibit E:

You may be wondering how he managed to chip his food bowl, seeing as he certainly doesn’t possess the strength to fling it across the room. Alas, with intelligence comes creativity and while running he kicked the rug the bowl was on so hard that his bowl flew against the wall and chipped.

And finally, Exhibit F:

I rue the day I have to make Part 2 of this post, but I feel it is an inevitability that will be nearly impossible to avoid.

(Just kidding. We still love him!)

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  • Reply
    10 Aug 2012 at 4:04 pm

    Silly cats! I laughed (in my office.. out loud) so much at this post; especially the chipped bowl! I don’t know how many days I’ve woken up to find a new destruction caused by the terror himself. It still puzzles me how my cat can get his bowl halfway across the kitchen, spilling all the contents, when it had a “non-slip” bottom and is still completely upright.

  • Reply
    10 Aug 2012 at 3:31 pm

    Aww, funny post! Atlas sounds a lot like Finny, who seems to have a very powerful cord radar. We’ve cat-proofed the house as much as possible, but leave one stray cord hanging and he’s on it in a flash! Before we closed off the office to the kitties, he destroyed two or three iPad chargers. D’oh! But of course we love him anyway.

  • Reply
    3 Aug 2012 at 10:36 pm

    haha, cute post. little ones are funny, our late puppy Archie use to steal things out of our shop at night.

  • Reply
    3 Aug 2012 at 8:59 pm

    This reminds me of my rabbit Snoopy! Except rabbits inherently chew EVERYTHING. I thought I had properly rabbit-proofed the living room, I leave him unsupervised for 2 minutes and in that time he managed to chew through an $800 sound system and eat the one cord that we couldn’t get replaced >.<

    But we love them though, don't we 🙂

    • Reply
      4 Aug 2012 at 4:06 pm

      Oh my gosh, I’ve always wanted a rabbit but I’m afraid Tom is quite allergic! I didn’t think that maybe they’d chew through everything though (seems like common sense, but I don’t think about stuff like that sometimes!) so I’m glad you mention it. Yes, Atlas has destroyed quite a few electronic things but in the end he’s just too adorable to stay mad.

  • Reply
    Jade Sheldon
    3 Aug 2012 at 8:58 pm

    Haha! That little booger! I understand though. Cory breaks things all the time and I still love him… 😉

    • Reply
      4 Aug 2012 at 4:06 pm

      Haha, well I sure hope so! =P

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