The Whisketeers


Pumpkin’s Blog – Stardate: Caturday

After executing my plot to destroy the rations the humans seemed completely unphased. I have lost count of how many days I have been in captivity, and some days I think that I can’t go on.

The living conditions here are terrible. Sometimes, seemingly for fun, the humans put drugs on the ground in the form of this green leaf that has an inexplicaple draw that I cannot resist despite my best efforts.

I am usually in a stupor for hours and have to take a nap until the effects wear off and I can continue my plans of escape.

When I am not being durgged, the humans sometimes take pieces of my soul and capture it in the same black box where they keep the rations.

There are no streams with fish in them inside this drywalled prison and I am forced to drink from this fish-less dish with propoganda telling me to be happy on the inside. I can only assume that they think such underhanded tricks will eventually wear my will thin, but they do not know with whom they are dealing with.

I write this journal in the hopes that someone will read my words and see my images and empathize with my struggle! Please, come rescue me! They feed me on a schedule here! On a schedule! It’s infeline I tell you! I will resist as best I can but you must come and rescue me!

Stay strong my brothers! We will eventually have our freedom! I will write to you soon!

– Pumpkin

Don’t worry about Atlas and Morn. They’re more trouble then they’re worth. Just save me. They’ll be fine, really.

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  • Reply
    Sandra E.
    16 Aug 2012 at 9:33 am

    Haha… love this! Sara it´s so much fun to read your blog and you take such beautiful, heartfelted (hope this is the right word?!) pictures! Greetings from Germany (Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland) 🙂

  • Reply
    24 Jul 2012 at 5:36 am

    don’t give up, Pumpkin!

  • Reply
    15 Jul 2012 at 5:59 am

    Laughed so much Pumpkin, thanks for making my Sunday hangover much more bearable! That propaganda dish is just like the humans.

    Just discovered your blog Sara, it’s gorgeous. I will definitely be back to explore some more x

    • Reply
      4 Aug 2012 at 4:21 pm

      Thank you so much, Christine- I’m so happy to have you as a reader. =)

  • Reply
    15 Jul 2012 at 4:50 am

    Pumpkin. Start the passive-aggression war; are you a cat or aren’t you?
    They’re lazing around staring at the glowing boxes? Get between them and it: “oh sorry were you looking at something important on this purr purr”
    They put on black clothes? “oh you know I’m just so affectionate here let me rub up against you purr purr”
    They’re sitting down to eat without including you? Bodily inhibit them any way you can: “you weren’t intending to use those hands for something else, were you? Pet me purr purr”
    And of course if they’re late providing the food, don’t forget the ol’ standby of puking in their hind-paw-coverings.

    We can win this war, brother; never surrender!

    • Reply
      15 Jul 2012 at 11:05 am

      These are genius! You are a true hero. I will enact these plots immediately!

  • Reply
    Amy Yellis
    14 Jul 2012 at 7:20 pm

    Sara, I LOVE your blog! Makes me miss kitty-cats. Too bad the hubby’s allergic. You are so amazing and blending the personal blogging with business. Thanks for the great example. Hope all’s well!

    • Reply
      4 Aug 2012 at 4:22 pm

      Thanks so much, Amy! I’m so glad you like it- and you can live vicariously through our cats if you wish! Take care!

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