The Whisketeers

Early Morning Purr Yoga Workout

Pumpkin’s Blog, Stardate Caturday

Good morning, fellow Purries. Are you up for a Caturday morning workout? It is imperative to keep in shape if you plan on taking over the world, like me, so I work out like this every day at least. But since you probably don’t have any world domination plans, an occasional Saturday workout should be just fine.

This morning we’re going to do a quick work out based on one Purr Yoga pose and it looks like this.


Be sure to move slowly into each exercise and hold for at least 60 seconds.
First exercise is to take your paw… er hand and reach across your chest and touch as far as you can.
Be sure not to let your head rest on the floor.

Curl into a cruncher.

And liiiift!

Now return to the basic roadkill pose and turn your face away from the side we were just working.

After this is finished, do all poses on the other side.

Whew, I’m all tuckered out!

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  • Reply
    17 Jun 2011 at 10:19 am

    Haha, I love this post! So adorable. Made me smile 🙂

  • Reply
    Scroobious Pip
    13 Jun 2011 at 3:41 am

    Pure perfection pumpkin!

  • Reply
    12 Jun 2011 at 11:34 am

    Oh my goodness, so cute!

  • Reply
    11 Jun 2011 at 6:39 pm

    oh, you pumpkin..

  • Reply
    11 Jun 2011 at 4:42 pm

    Bravo Pumpkin! No wonder you have a great physique. That was a wonderful workout with demonstrations and all. I hope you took a long rest and treated yourself to something afterward. 🙂 Take care and give my best to everyone. Have a relaxing weekend!

  • Reply
    11 Jun 2011 at 2:18 pm

    pumpkin’s so good at posing! my cat’s like *run away from weird clicky thing*

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