The Whisketeers

Some Cats Are Talkers

For every one photo I take of Pumpkin with his mouth closed, I take one of him talking. Okay, so that’s probably a bit of an exaggeration, but some days it’s worse than others. Pumpkin likes to cuddle in the mornings before breakfast, and when I get up and immediately start taking photos, he will follow me to wherever I am and proceed to tell me I’m forgetting something important. This was the case here. I forget what I was taking photos of but it was probably food because it’s in the kitchen. So he gets up on the windowsill and starts meowing at me to notice him, and of course I do, and… instead of cuddling I start taking photos instead! (Of course we cuddled afterwards.) Anyway, talking cats are my favorites. You know, the ones you can look in the eye and say something to them, and they’ll meow back? And then you say something else and they’ll respond? It’s like you’re actually having a conversation! I say “like” there because even though I think I am having a conversation I realize most people might consider that a little on the crazy side. Speaking of “like”, I did cut it out of my vocabulary (in instances other than similes and comparisons), for those that were wondering! Oh and Lauren, for these 8 photos I shared of Pumpkin, I took 12! (I promise I’ll do a post on workflow soon!)

Enjoy your Caturday, everyone!

PS: Check out the black spots on Pumpkin’s lips and nose. Those are the kitty version of freckles. I love this because we both have orange hair, freckles, and love to cuddle.



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  • Reply
    21 Feb 2011 at 8:52 pm

    HA I agree! Alice is selective with who she talks to but when someone gets her going it’s hilarious seeing who can get the last word, and how her tone changes like she’s really trying to communicate something and switches topics.

  • Reply
    Sarah Nice
    21 Feb 2011 at 4:45 pm

    I have complete conversations with my two Border collies. It may seem pathetic, but I can’t help myself. They are just such good listeners!

  • Reply
    19 Feb 2011 at 8:14 pm

    I have four dogs and 0 cats. But I am a pet sitter so I do have lotssss of cats that aren’t really mine. I LOVE the talkers! Alyssa’s cat Leonardo is the same way. Super talkative and I love it. I also have conversations with cats where I am meowing and I am not a cat person. (4 dogs) But really I am lying when i say I’m not a cat person. I’m a full blown crazy LOVE ALL ANIMALS lady 🙂

  • Reply
    19 Feb 2011 at 7:30 pm

    I have complete conversations with my cat. Every day when I get home from work, it’s like she’s telling me everything she’d done all day. It’s fantastic.

    Can I ask — what setting do you use when you take photos of Pumpkin?

  • Reply
    19 Feb 2011 at 6:31 pm

    Having conversation with your cat? *cough crazy cat lady cough cough*.

    I kid, I kid. Your cat is gorgeous. Im very jealous. I want a cat to cuddle and chat to.

    Hello Pumpkin!


    • Reply
      21 Feb 2011 at 11:08 am

      First Photo: “Yargghh Matey”

      But yeah I thought the exact same thing Siobhan lol “crazy cat lady” indeed.

  • Reply
    19 Feb 2011 at 1:11 pm

    Both my kitties have freckles too! My older cat is a total talker!! She will go on and on and on as long as you are willing to talk back 🙂

  • Reply
    19 Feb 2011 at 12:56 pm

    He seriously looks so much like my Leonardo! This is funny because he is definitely a talker as well. Yesterday I took about 10 pictures of him talking when I was trying to get normal photos of him haha 🙂

    I will try to make a video of our conversation some time! Visitors are always so shocked over the way we talk to each other.

    • Reply
      19 Feb 2011 at 8:15 pm

      I just wrote to her about Leo and thennnn saw your comment! LOL. I am obsessed with Leonardo clearly.

  • Reply
    19 Feb 2011 at 12:08 pm

    GG does the exact same thing; we have conversations. “Do you love me?” Meow! “Do you love Kyle?” Meow! “Do you love Molly?” …

    It’s so funny, I loooove it.

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