


  • Dining Out Food

    Zen Gardens In The Backlight

    I’m not sure how often we’ll be able to visit our favorite vegetarian/vegan restaurant now that we’re moving, so I’m just taking a moment to appreciate (and share) a few memories…

  • Dining Out

    Bloomin’ Tea & Hot Pot at Zen Gardens

    Since going vegan two months ago, Tom’s dad, his wife, Tom and I have been dining frequently at our favorite (now mutually so) veggie restaurant Zen Gardens. At our most recent…

  • Dining Out Personal

    A Fresh Birthday

    Last weekend Tom and I had a chance to see Bronwyn for her birthday. We braved the pouring rain and cold winds and utterly drenched, we squeezed into to a packed…

  • Dining Out Personal

    A Celebratory Dinner

    So our Easter was pretty swell. We made black bean burgers (so I can post the recipe on Wednesday), stayed in our pajamas all day, and you know, enjoyed each other’s…

  • Dining Out

    Lick’s Homeburgers & Ice Cream

    This year marks the very first Veggielicious Festival in Toronto. To support the festival and local restaurants offering deals on vegetarian meals (or offering vegetarian meals at all) Tom and I…

  • Dining Out Food

    Coffee Culture

        Tom and I stopped by Coffee Culture yesterday to get out of the heat and found ourselves staying for quite a while enjoying the nice atmosphere, cool drinks, and heart…

  • Dining Out

    Wasabi Grand Buffet

    Tom and I went to a Japanese buffet a few days ago on a whim. It was recommended to us a while back by Tom’s dad, but we assumed (on the…