


  • Personal

    Ever So Grateful

    Day 4 Unfortunately I no longer have my 400D (XTi) so I had to take a photo of my camera with a point-and-shoot. (I also took one with my Canon AE-1,…

  • Personal

    30 Days of Gratitude

    Day 1 A few days ago on twitter Jade mentioned the 30 Days of Gratitude project, and while I’m pretty swamped for November already (there are only two months left of…

  • Personal The Whisketeers

    Cats in Costumes

    As promised, today’s post is to make up for missing Caturday last week. (And hopefully it more than makes up for it!) Did everyone who dressed up have a fun time?…

  • Personal

    Will-O’-The-Wisps On Wintersnight

    Perhaps it’s the similarity to the Shishi dogs, but I’ve always liked the idea of jack-o-lanterns around Halloween. There are a variety of folktales surrounding jack-o-lanterns (and Halloween in general), but…

  • Spurred

    Crafts, Antique Benches, & Sweets With Tea

    There are only TWO MONTHS LEFT of this project!! I’m totally doing a butt wiggle dance in anticipation for completion right now. (No really.) The photos I took for “Old” and…

  • Thomas & Sara

    Anniversary Dinner

    Okay, to be fair these pictures of Tom and I are actually from Thanksgiving on Monday but they didn’t seem to fit with the other post and this one had some…

  • Personal

    Remaining Thankful

    Monday was Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday!) here in Canada, and Bronwyn (who we helped move in a few months ago) invited us over for their first feast in their new home.…

  • Thomas & Sara

    To Honor And Cherish

    Last year today, this happened. Now I promised myself I wouldn’t get too sappy, and I certainly won’t do a post like this every year (because who wants that?), so instead…

  • Personal

    A Pretty Good Excuse

    So my Caturday plan for this weekend (to make up for missing last weekend) was to take photos of three new cats for you as a surprise and a Caturday change…