I haven’t done an everyday life post in a while and it’s about time for one, but sometimes I think our life might be “boring” to blog about. I use boring…
I totally missed Caturday but I promise to make it up to you. (I have a few ideas already stirring.) Strange coincidence for you, as I was compiling this post I…
Bah, I’ve had this page open for quite a while because I’m not sure what to say with this post. I am so tired lately but I really feel like I’m…
Yikes, suddenly it’s Wednesday?! With that holiday weekend I got all confuzzled and didn’t end up posting yesterday like I should have. Some exciting things are happening over here for us,…
Wow, compiling this week’s post of the Spurred project almost gave me a heart attack. Normally I just open my Spurred set on Flickr and just grab the next eight on…
This past weekend, although busy, was a lot of fun. We had a chance to see Tom’s sister on Saturday and then rescued Jim (Tom’s dad) from boredom on Sunday and…
Oh my word, I love so many of these that it’s hard to pick a favorite. In fact, I can’t because every time I try I end up saying, “No wait.”…
Sometimes when you are busy at the computer Morn will sit by your feet and meow at you. Sometimes he doesn’t even meow, he just watches you intently. Obviously he wants…
Robert loves his sea life. He’s a master scuba diver (which I may or may not have actually said correctly) and has traveled all over the world to go on dives.…
Over the weekend I was linked to The August Break Project, started by fellow photoblogger Suzannah Conway. Basically the idea is to post a photo a day, as often as you…
Tom’s birthday was on the 1st, and while I’m typically really bad and keeping surprises and secrets from him, I did really really well this year. It’s so hard to hide…
Sorry that I didn’t post this yesterday, it was a holiday here and it also just happened to be Tom’s birthday, and I had the entire day planned away. I thought…