


  • Personal

    Let’s Go See A Film

    I haven’t done an everyday life post in a while and it’s about time for one, but sometimes I think our life might be “boring” to blog about. I use boring…

  • Spurred

    Grilled Peas, Rain, & Alien Blood

    I totally missed Caturday but I promise to make it up to you. (I have a few ideas already stirring.) Strange coincidence for you, as I was compiling this post I…

  • Spurred

    The Beginning Of May

    Bah, I’ve had this page open for quite a while because I’m not sure what to say with this post. I am so tired lately but I really feel like I’m…

  • Personal

    Robert’s Salt Water Aquarium

    Robert loves his sea life. He’s a master scuba diver (which I may or may not have actually said correctly) and has traveled all over the world to go on dives.…

  • Spurred

    Tom, Macro Tubes, and New Puppies

    Over the weekend I was linked to The August Break Project, started by fellow photoblogger Suzannah Conway. Basically the idea is to post a photo a day, as often as you…

  • Spurred

    News, Tea, Cats & Yoga

    Sorry that I didn’t post this yesterday, it was a holiday here and it also just happened to be Tom’s birthday, and I had the entire day planned away. I thought…