


  • Spurred

    The End of January

    With this post, we finish the Spurred photographs for January. I know, I’m so behind, but every time I get ready to share a post I realize I want to post…

  • Personal

    Photography Meets Art

    Hey everyone, I thought today I’d share something a little different: delightful art people have drawn from my photographs! Pretty cool, huh? (I thought so too.) It’s always neat to see…

  • Personal

    A Home For Bruno

    I brought home a strawberry plant, named it Bruno, and have been keeping it on top of our dresser while we sleep so the cats can’t get to it (though they…

  • Personal

    My Mother’s Olympus OM-1

    I wish you could see these photos in person, because the low quality scanner I had at the time really doesn’t capture these at their best. In case you couldn’t guess…

  • Personal

    Moving Day Dinner

    Allow me to just say right now that those Vegetable Straws are unbelievably delicious. We don’t usually have chips or whatever in the house but we’re totally going to grab these…

  • Personal

    Moving To The City

    As Morn mentioned, on Saturday we helped our friends Bronwyn and her boyfriend Brendan (Tom and I affectionately call them B&B) move to Toronto. I didn’t take a lot of photos,…

  • Dining Out Personal

    A Celebratory Dinner

    So our Easter was pretty swell. We made black bean burgers (so I can post the recipe on Wednesday), stayed in our pajamas all day, and you know, enjoyed each other’s…

  • Personal Spurred

    A Set Of Muted Tones

    So, I had this posted, and then I erased the intro in a panic and replaced it, but then I felt like a liar so I am putting the original intro…

  • Personal

    Fresh Strawberries For Breakfast

    Happy Friday, everyone! A few days ago I finally picked up a 35mm lens! I’ll try to make this next geeky part quick for those of you just starting into photography:…

  • Personal

    A Package From Lorena

    The most delightful package arrived yesterday from Spain, and it was from long time Flickr friend Lorena Arance. Story time! Several years ago when I was just learning about photography (though…

  • Spurred

    A Mug Shot, Squirrel, and Engrish

    Yesterday marked day 100 of the prompt a day project! The neat thing about posting the photos from this project after the fact is that I get to read the text…

  • Personal

    Tea Time At The Farm

    They don’t have “tea time” in the good ol’ USA, at least not that I know of. In fact, the only tea I’d ever had was herbal before coming to Canada…