


  • Personal


    I promise one of these days I will actually post a “Wordless Wednesday” without including any text. Today is not that day.     (coyote kill site)…

  • Actions Personal

    A Taste of Spring

    On Sunday we went to see Bronwyn for a spring nature expedition. We scouted animal tracks, discovered a fox den, rode in a canoe, stumbled upon a coyote kill spot, and…

  • Personal

    Thank You For Helping

    Today marks the last day of my small fundraiser for aid to Japan. I wish I could go longer, but I know that I did the best I could and I’m…

  • Personal

    Beannacht Lá Fhéile Pádraig

    Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone! I’m very pleased to announce that (so far) we have over $150 going directly to Japan for disaster relief. I know that seems like a small…

  • Personal


    I interrupt your regularly scheduled blog posts (except I hadn’t actually scheduled anything) to tell you I’m sorry I didn’t schedule anything and that I’ve actually been quite sick since Family…

  • Personal

    Family Day

    In recognition of the importance of the family, the 3rd Monday in February in each year shall be observed as a public holiday and known as “Family Day“. Happy Family Day…

  • Thomas & Sara

    My Funny Valentine

    A lot of photographer couples take today to share their relationship by posting an elegant portrait set, or by revisiting their greatest hits, so to speak. And while this notion is…

  • Personal

    The Kiki Sammich Pocket

    I had an entirely different post for you guys scheduled for this morning, but yesterday when my sister sent over several emails depicting (through photos) how to make a really cute…

  • Home Movies Ireland

    Ireland In Moments

    I thought I would end this evening and January by posting something I haven’t posted in a few years (I don’t even have a section for it on this new blog!),…

  • Spurred

    Spurred: Another Photo A Day

    I thought long and hard before committing myself to another 365 days project. I know, I know, you’re going to tell me I’m crazy and that I must enjoy putting myself…