Yesterday was a great way to start the new year for me. While quite the opposite of last year’s social gathering, it was something spectacular all on its own. It was…
For you readers that have been around for a while, (and I thank you!) you’ll know I do one of these every year. I wasn’t going to do one this year,…
Christmas for us was wonderful. Christmas Eve we curled up on our couch with a fire, eggnog tea with eggnog muffins (recipe soon) and opened one gift each. Mine was my…
I just wanted to share this festive music box with you all. I know most people aren’t checking blogs and things with the holidays on top of us, but for those…
I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, I certainly did! I am going to take a break from the Ireland photos for this week because I want to share the photos…
I had a pretty rough day today, but I saw this sheet of window decals for $1.50 and couldn’t resist. Sometimes it’s the little things that make the day all right…
Unfortunately the light was already disappearing by four pm when I started taking photos, so they turned out grainy, but I think it adds to their charm and mood. It was…
*Photos taken by Tom and edited by me. Except for the last one, which was both taken and edited by me.…
Whoops! I forgot to post yesterday! And it was magical Monday! That doesn’t actually mean anything, I just like to post on Mondays because personally I like a lot of updates…
The Ceremony "Dear family and friends, on behalf of Tom and Sara, I welcome all of you to this wedding celebration. We are here today to encourage, rejoice and…